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I recently took out my Delco stereo (AM/FM tape) and replaced with a Kenwood KDCMP5025. I bought a harness because I didn't want to cut any wires, it has 4 places to plug in the wires coming from the factory and the other end is soldered to the Kenwood harness.


The top half is for one plug which looks like 2 plugs (black), it has the front speaker connections and the power/light stuff. On the bottom the gray and white connections are for the rear speakers (blue). For some reason my car had extra wires going to the 4th terminal of that harness. There was another plug that was plugged into the stock radio, but there was no connection for it on the aftermarket radio. I plugged all of the wires into the aftermarket radio and it works, but I want to know what that extra wire is for? BTW I don't have premium sound


What colors are they? If theyre the black gray and brown, thats the lights and dimmer control for the stock deck.. If its green, green and black, then its for ETR (No fuckin idea what it does though, lol)


not sure what color they are but the radio works fine, I think it might be for the dimmer because it doesn't dim when I move the dimmer down.


Yea, the orange wire from the aftermarket deck doesnt get used right? Thats prolly what it could be.. Dimmer/lights or ETR


Its 7 wires I'm looking at my Delco radio right now and I have a factory harness that I cut from the junkyard, it says 7A on the delco radio where the plug is supposed to go, for some reason the GP that I got it from didn't have that plug or I didn't notice it.


The orange wire is for illumination and yes I did solder that to the aftermarket harness.




This one looks just like mine except its from a chevy. There are 4 plugs going into the radio, 3 out 4 are used with the aftermarket harness, the 4 one plugs in but its not connected to anything. That plug on that picture is the top left plug.


Yea, the one that isnt used is the ETR setup.. Its something to do with the cassette deck.. Dont worry.. I dont even know what the hell it does!


hmmm thats weird why the hell would the cassette deck be connected out to somewhere. Crazy mexcian delco workers. :lol:


Crazy mexicans indeed!!! lmao.. Im just keeding meng! lol.. jk.. Yea, I came up with something like Enhanced Tape Reception for like clarity or some bullshit like that.. Who knows.. Its GM.. they have many many pluses, but a few quirks here and there... cough:side-mounte battery terminals:cough

Its not a connection for steering wheel controls is it?
It's possible that the car has the wire there if steering wheel controls were an option. FWIW, the aftermarket harness I got for my Regal's new stereo didn't have a wire in it corresponding to the stock harness' steering wheel control wire. I had to cut the wire out of the stock harness to splice into my SoundGate SWC controller. The SWC wire was light green in color...


If the stock Delco deck had the Auxillary input for a tape player or CD changer, it would be separate from the main harness.


It's for steering controls and continues wiring for the rest of the dash's illumination. Reason for this is that I installed my Pioneer deck and now my digital environment controls are super bright. Also for some stupid reason I have a BASS control level for a factory deck which runs to the same.


hmm thats weird because I checked below the cover on the steering wheel and there is no connections for the steering wheel controls. I was thinking it could be something that connects to the engine so the radio turns up when there is a problem and it makes you not notice it. :lol:

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