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Last saturday I put $8 of gas in the Cutlass. About 15 minutes later I noticed that the engine was missing when I gave it any gas. Espically when the engine is under 2,000 rpm. Later on I floored it and the engine really struggled to get to 6k in 2nd I got there but very slowly. It felt almost as slow as my Tracker!! I figured that I just got some bad gas, so I put some Heet in the tank and let it run for 10 minutes. No difference. So sunday night I filled it up with gas hoping to fix the problem. Well 2 days and 52 miles later it still has the same problems. I think that either the gas did something or that something broke around the same time.


Tonight I pulled off the injector cover so I could listen to the injectors and I noticed that one of my injectors was different.


I'm assuming that the middle injector was replaced.


I couldn't hear the middle injector very well but when I listened to the other 2 front injectors they clicked pretty clear.


Do you guys have any Idea as what the problem could be?


Tomorrow I plan to put a new fuel filter on and if that doesn't help I'm going to pull the upper intake and I'm going to ohm all of the injectors.




I dont know how WI is....but here in CT they have started using a new additive to clean out the tanks.......so all the rust and shit gets pumped out and into your tank. My father had to assist a Z several months ago because of this problem. The new additive caused his fuel filter to clog even after he had changed it. It seems to only affect older vehicles....luckily or unluckily when my Z runs I buy my gas in Mass.


But Im sure other people on here will tell you to try changing the filter and restistance test the injectors.


in WI isn't regular 85 or 86 octane? is that what you put in the 3.4 or was it supreme(high octane). Because if my memory serves me correctly, the 3.4 runs on supreme only. Sorry if this sounds stupid and common sense.


If there is additive that has been causing problems with older vehicles, there might be a good chance it clogged your fuel filter. Hopefully you don't have a dead injector, because that would really suck :(


oh yea btw was it some cheap no-name gas place? When I was in WV before, I stopped at some no-name gas station with my Trooper, and I definately got some watered down gas.

I dont know how WI is....but here in CT they have started using a new additive to clean out the tanks.......so all the rust and shit gets pumped out and into your tank. My father had to assist a Z several months ago because of this problem. The new additive caused his fuel filter to clog even after he had changed it. It seems to only affect older vehicles....luckily or unluckily when my Z runs I buy my gas in Mass.

I'm have no clue if they are using that additive here or not. Would they have that info on the internet somewhere?


in WI isn't regular 85 or 86 octane? is that what you put in the 3.4 or was it supreme(high octane). Because if my memory serves me correctly, the 3.4 runs on supreme only. Sorry if this sounds stupid and common sense.

The regular gas around here is 87 octane. And the 3.4 is ment to run on regular. I put 89 in my cutlass though because of the chip.


Hopefully you don't have a dead injector, because that would really suck Sad

Well if it is an injector it's not too bad since I have a 96 3.4 to pull parts from. :)


oh yea btw was it some cheap no-name gas place? When I was in WV before, I stopped at some no-name gas station with my Trooper, and I definately got some watered down gas.

No, it was a Shell gas station. The gas station was in a different town though. I've never had a problem with Shell before this.


Check resistance of your injectors, should be around 12-ohms.

If not an injector, then possibly a coil went bad.

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