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Hey there everyone, thanks for reading this message....any help would be great. Anyways, I just picked up a 95 Lumina Sedan.....the problem is when driving all gears work great......no problem......just once I get up to about 70 km/h driving, I level off the gas to stay at a constant speed you can start to feel a little bit of a shutter, its just slight but its annoying, its like this at any speed above 70 km/h, anything under it doesn't do it. The transmission shifts fine, fluid is fine, I just had the engibe tuned up, new plugs, wires.....but this remains....my mechanic thinks it might be the coil pack, but its like chasing my tail, any help? One other gremlin the car has, is the starter was just repalced, the car cranks weird.....it takes a few seconds then starts, but if I shut it off and start again, its weaker, then do it again and then it cranks weaker, then I do it again....and then it slows right down to nothing like the battery is dead......then wait 5 minutes and go back to the car and it starts the cycle again....it starts then around we go......the battery is new, and the alternator charges right where it should be......any suggestions on killing these little demons :twisted: ....thanks alot!


1. Are you sure your wheels are balanced, front suspension aligned/parts in good shape (tie rods, balljoints etc) ?


2. Check your ground connections. I thought my starter or battery was going bad but it turned out the ground wire was green with corrosion (on the 95).


thats the same prob my car has but it sometimes does it at 35 mph, 70, 50 really whenever it wants, changed plugs, wires, pcv and still does it.

Guest Gp crazy

Well, on my GP STE 1990. Mine does the same thing but only in D but not O-D 8) . I have Replaced almost everything except the FUEL FILTER & MODULATOR or VAC. LINE :shock: I just Don't pay attention to any more.

As long as the fluid is clean & not burnt I will leave it alone! Most likely it's the lock up tQ converter slipping or just going bad :( at least in my case any ways my wife has sever case of lead foot 4500 rpm shifts and 100 mph on highways :( Not a good thing for the GM 4 speed auto heat + tq are killers with this tranny unless built to with Stand it.

jeff b

thats the same prob my car has but it sometimes does it at 35 mph, 70, 50 really whenever it wants, changed plugs, wires, pcv and still does it.


yours sounds trany related. My olds 98 was doing this. I put a bottle of Lucas Trans Additive in it and it solved the probelm. Its a little pricey at $8.50 a quart but it works good.


1. check for bad grounds like others have said

2. try a different set of coil packs

3. Alignment might be it, but I doubt it

4. Torque Converter

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