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Weird Problem


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So, I start the STE yesterday morning, let it run while Im loading it up, then when Im ready to go, I hit the power button to turn on the radio, and the car shuts off! Then, the P/N switch starts acting up again (been doing this for a couple of weeks now). I understand the P/N switch problem, but how does turning the radio on shut the car off??? Oh, I got it started back up and turned the radio on again, no problem. I also need to clean my battery terminals. But, lemme know what ya think

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Perhaps if your battery terminals are shady, the (small) draw in power from the radio threw everything off. Mine used to die when I'd make the brake lights go on. Cleaned the terminals and all was well.

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This happened in my rent's Regal a few months back when the remote positive terminal was loose and melted some plastic in between the connection there. The Regal had a few problems before it got to this stage though, the preset and tune buttons on the radio wouldn't work and the abs light was on(all the same remote positive term problem). Cleaned/tightened it and haven't had a problem out of it since.

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I guess tomorrow Im going to clean the battery terminals thoroughly and inspect the cables, see how they look. Hopefully it'll fix it. Thanks guys, I was thinking bad connections, cuz there's nothing else to relate the motor and the radio.

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