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94 cutty, cold ticking and hesitation?

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:? When I start her up she has a loud, sharp ticking sound! Once she has warmed up a few minutes later she sound as she has for the last five years. I know it needs an oil change in the next 500 miles which I have planed for next week, along with a tranny fluid change. Also when she goes from 2nd to 1st has a small shutter. Any ideas? I’m worried! :roll:


I’ve looked around for days to see what others have posted before; this is a sound that I never heard. And I have been around all different types of cars and this is a new one on me!


does the tick increase or decrease with throtle?


try pulling one plug at a time and see if that eliminates it


Well it has all new plugs, wires and coils along with new timing belt. As for you’re question! It does increase slightly then at about 170* it goes away. It seems to be ok still has good acceleration, of course I never take it above 2700 rpm. This results in an average of 24.33 mpg 50/50 mixed driving.


i'm not concerned about the newness of stuff however it does help, anyhow when its ticking pull one wire at a time and see if the noise goes away from what i understand if the noise stops when you pull a plug it may be a connecting rod otherwise it is most likely vaulvetrain.


Will do when I wake up. I think it’s the valve train my self! Thank for your concern I really appreciate it. Hopefully it’s nothing that’s going to cost me an arm and a leg. :( My buddy is an A.S.E, certified mechanic and he does tranny & engine swaps all the time. I talked him into helping me put a 3400-3800, and Trans in there all I have to do is provide the beer! That’s if I want to though. I really like the power it has now and im pleased but if im going to put money in it, then it will be towards something like that since I can do it next to nothing plus he has found some good cheap low mile engines and some in the back yard of his shop in wrecked w-bodies so I may do that. 8)


Lucas just came out with a synthetic oil treatment, on, your next oilchange use 5w30 (synthetic or regular) and put the bottle of lucas in, dont overfill the crankcase though. see if that helps


Never thought of that I’m going to do this as well, good idea. I knew a guy I use to deliver pizza's with at Poppa Johns and his car knocked real bad. He said he used something similar and I guess it helped I never heard his car before that but he swore up and down how it help! It’s worth a try. Good idea thanks. First ill try what I was told first though. Maybe he was talking about the same stuff, for this was a while ago.


Is this a 660 motor?......because it sounds like piston slap......they ALL (2.8/3.1/3.4/3100/3400) do it. Even the 3400 in the Beretta at 2k miles did it.


Pistons 5 and 6 (or was it 1 and 2?) in the newer motors are suppused to have teflon coated piston skirts to help quiten the noise.......well, it does, but thats a band-aid....not a fix for the problem.


if the tick just happens when the car starts it's okay...that's a known problem for the 3100. GM issued a statement saying the noise was ok.


Its 3100 in a 94cutty, it’s only when it starts up till reaches a good temp that it seems to like. After that its all fine, though I just got out of work and when I merged on the S-curve at 55-65 mph, then got in the middle lane let off the gas and I swear it seemed to jump 250rpm’s every time! then again this is about one of the roughest roads around. :(


are you sure it jumped? i have the same rough idle in my car when its cold some days. It's probably just that. How much mileage is on your cutty?


101,013 it seemed to although as stated before I drive on rough roads and I’m hoping that hit the gas pedal on accident. The pedal is real mushy compared to what it was years ago, learned to drive in this car when I was 12, so I know how it was then! The car still feels close to then in some ways, but in other ways it needs work.

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