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Fuel return lines?

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does the 3100 in the 95 cutlass have a feed line to the regulator as well as a return line from the regulator to the gas tank? this is what i was told, and was wondering ig it applied to my car:


"gm calls their efi sfi. next we need to know if this system has a return line from the fuel reg to the fuel tank. typically on a v-6 return type system one of the fuel rails will have the supply line from the fuel pump in the fuel tank connected to it. another line will run from from this rail to the other rail, on this second rail the FPR is connected, from the FPR is where the return line to the tank will be connected."

does the 3100 in the 95 cutlass have a feed line to the regulator as well as a return line from the regulator to the gas tank? this is what i was told, and was wondering ig it applied to my car:


"gm calls their efi sfi. next we need to know if this system has a return line from the fuel reg to the fuel tank. typically on a v-6 return type system one of the fuel rails will have the supply line from the fuel pump in the fuel tank connected to it. another line will run from from this rail to the other rail, on this second rail the FPR is connected, from the FPR is where the return line to the tank will be connected."


EFI = Electronic Fuel Injection

MPFI = MultiPort Fuel Injection

SFI = Sequential Fuel Injection


Both MPFI and SFI are forms of EFI that different name denotes the calculations and special mods the PCM uses for fuel economy purposes.




If the cutlass bay is like the Monte (being a w it most likely is) the fuel rail goes under the plenum. Youll see the FPR mounted right next to the throttle body. The fuel rail loops around under the plenum then comes back out the TB side. Youll see the other line coming out a bit behind and under the TB.


thanks, by the way what would be a good range would be to look for .

thanks, by the way what would be a good range would be to look for .


you mean for an FPR, the fuel rails or the injectors?


It depends alot on your application, the stock fuel rails are massive so those wont need to be upgraded. However there is a range of adjustable FPRs out there.


Depdning on what your doing will determine what kind of fuel setup you will need.


if you are going to use a nitrous kit make sure that your car can handle it i have seen too many engines dies because of nitrous abuse


I don't know if bigger injectors are nessicary for only a 50 shot (mind you, I don't know much about nitrous).....but I think an adjustable fuel pressure regulator and gauge would aid in the help of tuning.


Anyways.....I'm not exacrtly sure what you where asking, or if Manticor answered it.......but the regulator is on the return line......it simply restricts the return to create pressure between it and the pump.




3100 will take a 50shot nicely, however I would upgrade to the 22.5lb injectors as 19lb injectors will have you running lean when you hit the shot. And adjustable FPR is reccomened but not required.


Keep in mind the biggest killer of the 4t60-e is heat and the sudden application of torque. Get a big fat tranny cooler and try not to hit the shot off the line. 1st gear is pretty weak.


I wouldnt go much higer than a 75shot on a base engine. You going for dry or wet injection?




Seriously though, quit posting with the caps lock on.


Good......we flish 14 quarts through all transmissions..........maybe not be 12.....but it sure as hell isn't 6. The torque converter is stil full with a pan removal.


its about 8qts in the 4t60-e when you drop the pan and 14 when you do a machine flush which IMHO you should never do unless youve been doing it since the trans was new every 20k miles like your supposed to (how many of us do that), espically to an older trans.

Why do you think transmission flushes are bad?


Ive seen it many times on the 4t60 transmissons, if the owner has not kept up with the regular maintance and the clutches have degraded alot over the course of 70-80k miles then the trans is flushed. Within 30-90days the transmission is getting rebuillt. Should the trans be flushed regularly (every 20k miles or so) then this is not a problem. This is not something I think, this is something I have observed with many cars.


Ive had discussions about this with trans experts and such and the theroy goes that the clutches have degraded to a point where its the material in the flid that is keeping things gummed up and when you flush you force alot of that out and it doesnt take long before the clutch packs completly disenergrate. Ill have a better idea on why that is when I get a chance to tear down my t60 in a couple weeks.


This does not make a pan drop fool proof however becasue Ive seen pan drops do the same thing to older transmissions as well.


Well......in my experience (granted thats only working at a GM dealership for 6 months)........I haven't seen this.....I've done flushes on everything from 4L30-Es to the big ol Allison behind the Duramax and 8100...........none of them have came back with broken transmissions.


I only know the stats on the 4t60 and t65 and it comes from running http://www.mymonte.com for the last 2 years.


I imagine I hear alot more stories about failures than what comes through a single dealership in 6 months.


Overall though the t60 is a good trans and I know of many that last past 100k and even some well past 150k. The health of the t60 I belvie has todo alot with the driver more so than the trans. The t60 was never really ment beat on.


You wanna talk message boards?


How about me being on Beretta.net, BStuff.com, 60degreeV6.com, ClubGP, GM Performance Tuning, and MyMonte in some way shape or form for over the past 2 years on some, *about* a year on others....I may not post all the time, but I do read the forums.


I guess I don't see the downside to doing a trans flush.......its the only way to get the torque converter fluid replaced......I've been quoted at 90% of the fluid. I try and flush mine whenever it gets around 50k.....I;ve owned the Beretta since 55k miles......it now has 135k.....still the orginal 4T60-E.


Of the people that lost there 4T60-E or 65-E can you honestly tell me it was because of the transmission flush? Or was it because the decided to go around a corner at WOT with the inside tire spinning like mad one to many times? I guess I'm asking if you think those transmissions that failed would of actually survived longer than one that had a flush.


I'll admit......I don't know everything......but I am in school for this sort of thing (ASEP).....and I do work at a dealership with some pretty intelligent people.


Oh....and my penis is bigger too......beings this has somehow gotten into another one of those internet dick swinging contests.

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