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Shaving the antenna, would it be good?


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I was wondering if pulling the antenna out, and just mounting it hidden in the trunk would be a nice mod? Fill in the hole with fiber-bondo. Would it be easy to match the paint? Here's pics of the car along with my new rims:







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Maybe you could run some wiring up an A pillar and zig zag it back and forth a lot above your headliner. I think that would get you better reception than trying to do it in the trunk.

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Personally, i don't know if it would make a huge difference, but I'm sure you would never really run into problems with the antenna hitting stuff and getting in the way and what not. I rather like the way my antenna looks on the cutlass, but thats just me... One thing you might want to look into, I don't know if its possible to do a conversion like this but I'm willing to bet it isn't hard, but our Lexus (and a 70s Malibu we used to own) has the antenna built into a grid on the back window, with the defroster grid...its on the inside of the glass, and therefore protected, and it gets great reception all the time, and doesn't ever get in the way or damaged. sounds clever, and i'm sure someone makes a kit that you could look into. A lot of people these days also like to go the route of the new VW/Audi/Mercedes/BMW style antennas that are mounted at where the roof meets the rear window...I think BMW ones are referred to as fins. our Mercedes fin gets amazing reception no matter where you are, and i'm sure there's also kits around for that...either way... in the end I think it would look alright if thats what you're looking for...and the difference will be small enough that even if you don't completely like it, it wouldn't be all that bad...


I hope this helps!



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Yep, the old 70's and early 80's GM's had the radio antenna inside the windshield. All the new GM's have them integrated into the rear defroster grid.


My old 81 Monte had the windshield-embedded antenna and the FM reception with it was complete horseshit. I remember installing a fender mounted antenna in that car and noticing a vast improvement in reception...

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Yep, the old 70's and early 80's GM's had the radio antenna inside the windshield. All the new GM's have them integrated into the rear defroster grid.

Not all the new GM's. The U-vans (up until 2002) had it integrated into the windshield.

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IMO, the best way 2 shave the antenna would be 2 take a piece of sheet metal, JB weld it underneath the hole, fill it with bondo, sand and paint.


btw, thats a lotta rim for a GP

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It wouldn't work well if you put it in the trunk.

The trunk, being made of metal (a conductor) is grounded, and would act as a shield. It would block all signal to the antenna.


If you really want the shaved antenna look, you might try modifying an Olds Aurora power antenna to fit. I saw one on a 96 body style, and the bezel is almost flush. It doesn't have the nub sticking out like the W-body power antennas do. It looked about as clean as you can get without actually losing the antenna.

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I removed the antenna on my old Lumina. I never hooked an antenna up to it though, and the reception was almost nothing. I never listened to the radio, so it was no big deal.




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