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Unknown coolant leak, between motor and firewall

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For now its sorta fixed because I used some of that Bar Leak's radiator stop leak (scared me at first, when I first used it, the car kept running upto 240 degrees, then dropping, and I could hear all the pellets in the system rushing around. But the leak was coming between the firewall and the motor, I was under that car for a while, and could not for the life of me, find where it was coming from..... Any ideas?


on the passenger side there is a drain tube for your a/c, its a little hose sticking down. See if the anti-freeze is comming out of there. If it is, then you are looking at a heater core. If not, look at the two lines that go into the firewall. See if they are wet. If so then the heater core feed lines are leeking.


depending on what year it is or if its a 3.1 from say 90 91 GM had trouble with those having cracked blocks near the outer head bolt holes. causing a leak.


what car/engine is it?


i'll vote heater lines if its leaking on the drivers side, 3.1's a pita to change i don't even want to fathom how bad it is on a 3.4 car


Could be anywhere.. took me 4 hours to find a leak that was right in front of my face (almost). One of the lines running to my TB had cracked and was spraying just ever so slighty.. went to pepboys, grab a 90* bent piece of hose and bypassed the TB altogether :)


Might want to check out the headgasket -- I had a 3.1 had to replace the head gasket on. Probably not the first place I'd look but definately check into it.




whenever i see coolant i look to the head gaskets then all of the hoses even if you fixed it give everything a good look over


If bars leak fixed it, it wasn't a hose leak. You've got a more serious problem. It might be the conector on the heater core where the hoses tie in or the core itself. If you turn the heater on, do your windows fog over and do you get steam inside the car? If so, its the core, if not, start looking for either a head gasket leak, water pump leak, or crack in the block.


I can't believe that no one has mentioned the possibility of a simple freeze plug failure. Its not all that uncommon, and on the plus side it only costs like $2.00 to fix.


You'll probably have to climb under your car with a flash light to pin point the leaks location. If the leak looks like its coming from a round 2" disc on the rear side of the block below the heads a freeze plug is the culprit, there's usually two or three per side.


3.1 v6. Right now, the bar leaks has stopped the leak, I'll see what happens in the future.....

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