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car don't start some times and died, help me out please

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My car when i try and start it some times it just click and I have to turn the key several times before it will start. I thought that it was the battery terminals corroded because that what it was last time it did that after my first engine swap but i took them all off cleaned them some but they were clean anyways and put them back on and it still did the same thing.

I changed the factory ground wires to 4 gauge wire several months ago and all the connections are fine. this just started again about 1 week ago. Does anyone have a idea what it might be? think the starter is going maybe?


Just after i cleaned up the terminals and that i go and start it and it started and died 2 times and the third i just hit the gas right when i started it and it didn't die that time. any idea what this problem might be? I'm thinking that maybe the fuel filter might be needing replaced but I'm getting over 21 MPG right now and i would think if it needed replaced i wouldn't get good mileage.


Edit: also how much of a pain is it to replace the front valve cover gasket on a 3100 in a 95 GP? I know you have to take one of the front engine mounts off but what else? I may just take it in to my mechanic and have him do it because it should be covered by my warranty but i would like to do it if it is not a big pain.


take the battery out and have it tested. A bad battery can kill a generator. IF the battary is bad replace it and check the charging system to make sure the generator is charging. If all is ok there, you may had a bad silonoid on the starter.

take the battery out and have it tested. A bad battery can kill a generator. IF the battary is bad replace it and check the charging system to make sure the generator is charging. If all is ok there, you may had a bad silonoid on the starter.


Do you know what your talking about? All cars that i know of don't have generators they have alternators. The only thing i know of with a generator is our old as tractor that run on 6 volts.


but my battery is fine, same for my charging system. I know this because i had them both tested because my alarm was not working and they were thinking it was some thing with my battery.

solenoid is another thing I'm thinking.


You should take your alternator out from the top of your 3100 and take it to be tested. If you hear a clicking noise that's your starter trying to go. If your battery is dead or your alternator is out, the car will not start. Otherwise if that's fine, my next best guess is it might be a problem with your ICM (ignition control module).


i'd guess that mabie the starter is not engaugeing correctly at times and is possably on its way out. as for the gasket seems easy enough to do, go for it.

i'd guess that mabie the starter is not engaugeing correctly at times and is possably on its way out. as for the gasket seems easy enough to do, go for it.


i highly doubt it dude...he's got a high powered system in his car. That'll be hard on the alternator. Plus he said he heard the clicking...that's the starter trying to worki.


Well i talked to my mechanic today and he is thinking that maybe it is something to do with some connection is not tight or something at the starter or the battery. I'm sure they are all tight and are not corroded but i will check over them again because that is cheaper then a repair bill.

The ground wires are not factory, they are 4 gauge ground wire that you would use for a system and they go to the exact same place as what the factory ones did so he want me to make sure they are fine.


for the car dying on me he said that is the computer reseting it self and it is normal, i guess maybe it is because it only did it right after i started it up for the first time after taking it apart.


My system does not turn on tell after i have it started unless i just let the key stay on because my HU don't send the signal to the amps to turn on for around 30 seconds after the key is turned so I'm sure that have nothing to do with it not starting. But i am surprised that my 120 amp alternator is still good with my system taking over 80 amps at full power.


I forgot to talk to him about the gasket but i don't really care about that, it is only the valve cover gasket and i can do that some day if i get bored.


seriously...check the alternator. there are places that check it for free to ensure the right amount of juice and whatnot is flowing.

seriously...check the alternator. there are places that check it for free to ensure the right amount of juice and whatnot is flowing.


I checked it, it is putting out 14-15 volts with no problem.


the car is just a pile of shit that should be sold but my dad keep putting more money in it for no dame reason :x

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