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I just hooked up my Kenwood deck Mpv-5025 to my GP which has the 4 stock speakers and it sounds very good. My deck can change into 52 different colors on the display, it reads Mp3s, and it has 200W. Ive had the Delco and a sony discman with car kit for the past year, it was decent but most of the sound quality was lost through the tape player, right now the sound quality is clear. I was looking at an Alpine or a Kenwood, if I get a deck later on in life it'll be a good alpine one, but for now i'm keeping my Kenwood. I recommend it to anyone who is starting out with car audio.


Told you that you'd be happy with Kenwood ;)


Similar model to mine except mine is a bit older. Kenwood stuff is great.. I got my HU, and 2 amps.


No Probs with my Kenwood of 4yrs.... :thumbsup:


I do like other brands...but just stating this one has been great!




Both of the kenwood decks i've had, I liked so far. Even though this one that i have now is about 2 years old($500 brand new), it still has more features and functions and is very very comparable to new stuff out there today. Plus, it has a kick ass display on it too!

Very shitty picture, but it does flip out too.




I just about bought one but decided to spend the extra coin for the pioneer, I'm so glad I did.


I do however have a 350w kenwood amp which works great and pounds my 10" Alpine better than you would think possible.


Also I have a 400watt RMS home stereo which I've had for about 7 years and it pounds my favorite part being the dual sub-channels, too bad they don't make them like that anymore.


kenwood is good but the best headhunit is the old sony before they came out with all that explode crap

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