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Smoke from the steering colum??


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I was driving today and there was a puff of smoke that came from the steering colum, What the hell does that mean?? I did have the turn signal on at the time, could it have been a wire short or something?? The car runs and steers fine.

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It's a VERY common thing to happen to our cars. What it is, the signal switch inside is coated with some type of gel, when the gell warms up from heat, it'll drip onto a hot peice of metal and smoke. Even if you replaced the whole switch set-up with a brand new one, it'll still do the same thing eventually.

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Mine did that for over a year I wasnt worried because it only happens to mine when I start the car with the wheel in a certain posistion turned slitly to the left so now I just make sure its not in that spot. I am going to replace mine because Im tired of having to pull back on the turn signal to get the light to come on and blink.

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I want everyone to realize, you're brake lights go through the same switch. If your turn signals don't work, there's a VERY good chance the brake lights gon't either. :wink: I know the one's in the cutty cut out w/ the t/s's

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So this is what is happening with the Grand Prix............the same thing happened to BIGBULS several years ago.....and happened to me a while back when I was trying to get it running.

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