slick Posted July 29, 2004 Report Posted July 29, 2004 I'll just name whats new, we can go from there ICM Coil Packs IAC CTS(coolant temperature sensor) When it dies, I turn the key, and sometimes it doesn't even click. Other times, i just pop it into nuetral and she starts up fine. When it misses, im just cruising down the road, not accelerating, just going at a steady rate. The rpms will drop then shoot back up to about the normal range, and be fine for a few seconds, then do it again. If I give it a quick rev, it acts fine for a while, then starts up again. I just want to get this car fixed. It has been nothing but trouble since I have bought it. Within a few months, if it looks like i'll be pouring more and more money into this car, this thing may be for sale. And, I don't really want to sell it either. Help, please.... Quote
EurosportZ34 Posted July 29, 2004 Report Posted July 29, 2004 Sorry to hear such bad news Chris, but I won't be too much help with my car giving me similar problems. But for some odd reason mine has been acting really good since her last "no start" though. Doesn't some 3.4 guru have the answer?? Quote
slick Posted July 29, 2004 Author Report Posted July 29, 2004 I sure do hope so. Atleast yours is running good again. I'm starting to think that I need to find a good performance, and having them look this all over and tune it some. It might be just what I need. Quote
D M N Posted July 30, 2004 Report Posted July 30, 2004 I'm having same problems 93 lumina 3.4 DOHC Quote
slick Posted July 30, 2004 Author Report Posted July 30, 2004 Talked to one of my friends, he said fuel filter. So, heres my list of stuff to replace so far: Fuel Filter O2 sensor Also, does anyone know a good brand of filter? I want something that flows pretty damn well, as my car needs all the fuel it can get with the mods it has. Quote
z34_nut Posted July 30, 2004 Report Posted July 30, 2004 dont worry about hte fuel filter, a stock napa filter should be just fine. the only way to increase a significant amount of gasoline into your motor is with a stronger fuel pump. a new clean OEM filter will work fine.. check you EGR valve, PCM, O2 sensor, yada yada, for the hesitation on the high-way, i suggest you check your timing belt, that would be my first bet, then fuel filter, then some-thing as simple as spark plugs, coils, and wires. so in other words, check your TB first, then the plugs, then the wires, then filter, then go into the other stuff i listed above. also it could be caused from a bad vaccum as for the mysterious start up thing, i honestly don't have a clue i would check my wires, make sure nothing is grounding out.. but i personally wouldn't know where to start.. putting it in nuetral shouldn't play a role in this... hope this helps Quote
joey b Posted July 30, 2004 Report Posted July 30, 2004 maybe the TPS. How is your alternator doing? I'd get a voltage reading on that bad boy. As for the stalling. It starts right back up, right? I put my 94 injectors in and haven't stalled yet. Quote
slick Posted July 30, 2004 Author Report Posted July 30, 2004 Hmm... Well it seems to stall when slowing down. I just called the shop, and there gonna send it over to a tranny shop. He thinks it might be the torque converter. He said they'll check it for free. Quote
4spdz34 Posted July 30, 2004 Report Posted July 30, 2004 only use a gm o2 sensor but it has a new one from when the motor got put in. torque converter making it misfire? i think u need to find a new mechanic. its obviously intermittent so here is my suggestion carry a test light at all times and when it starts acting up test a couple of fuses. also check all the motor grounds. check it all. Quote
slick Posted July 30, 2004 Author Report Posted July 30, 2004 But it seems to die when slowing down or coming to a stop too, which would make sense.... As for the missing, that doesn't make a bit of sense for it to be the TC, but yeah, im gonna look over the whole electrical system too. Quote
D M N Posted July 30, 2004 Report Posted July 30, 2004 Mine has the same problems of slowing down and dying. I also smell gas when ever i park it after driving a long time. I also smell gas when i leave it running and parked. I Have a line (looks like vacum) that runs from the bottom lesft corner to the Intake elbow, What is this???? (its broken) Quote
slick Posted July 31, 2004 Author Report Posted July 31, 2004 Alternator is doing fine. It's pretty darn new actually. I was just thinking the TPS while I was at work yesterday also. New list: TPS O2 sensor Fuel Filter Junkyard ECM(worth a shot) Now, even though the O2 sensor is new, i'll put that last on my list. When engines break in, im sure its a bit harder on the sensors than it is at say, 50,000 miles compared to 0 miles(well, about 10-11000 now). Quote
slick Posted July 31, 2004 Author Report Posted July 31, 2004 Ok, i was just at NAPA online, and they had 2 TPS's listed Whats the difference? I know the one says oem # blah, but what does that mean? Quote
joey b Posted August 1, 2004 Report Posted August 1, 2004 test the resistance in your plug wires. Quote
GrandPrix34 Posted August 1, 2004 Report Posted August 1, 2004 1st of all, STOP buying a cocktail of parts in hopes of fixing the car! NOT necessary, so slow your roll and save some $$ on your pocketbook... 1st things first: Ignition: Usually if it is a bad spark plug/coil pack/wires, the problem will show up since startup... timing likewise, soon as you start her up... try this, i had the same issue, replaced the alternator and in the process, it turns out that the positive battery terminal was fucked up...The car was just acting all wierd when stopping also and sometimes when it would die, NOTHING would come on... TUrns out the probelm was on the positive battery terminal...take it off and look at the threads on the terminal...since it is side post mounted, the terminal threads probably became worn out or threaded clean, so you might feel the connection to the battery nice and alright, but once the car or anything moves that wire and the terminal is not making contact with the battery, the car begins to act funny...try it out, cost = nothing Quote
slick Posted August 1, 2004 Author Report Posted August 1, 2004 Hmm.... Well, when the car dies, all of the stuff still is running, i.e. radio, lights, etc... I have a ton of extra 4 guage wire laying around, i think with all my free time, im just gonna redo all of the bigger grounds in the car. Quote
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