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Abandoned Prix


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Near my house there's a white '88 Grand Prix LE Coupe, that (according to surrounding neighbors) has been sitting for 3 months. I asked around and it turns out the guy who owned it lived in an apartment building on the next block over, and moved away 3 months ago. I would like to take posession of this car and part it out, but I can't find out who exactly owned it, the realty company won't give me a forwarding address, or anything, and the Dayton PD won't help me either.


Anything else I can do?

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tow it to your house and remove all the VIN plates....


I was considering that, but I'm not sure if anything is traceable at all. Does a junkyard need a title for a vehicle to be sold to them?


BTW Jeremy, your car looks sweet, nice job on the rims!

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You dont own title of said vehicle.


If the owner comes back looking for it, techincally you could be charged with car theft. Not sure how many years prison time that is where you live.


Always look at the worse case senario. Cudos on your honesty and trying to track down the owner. Any chance of getting the owner's name from the DMV or perhaps finding a helpful cop (eep that does'nt fit together) track the VIN# to a name.

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if you want to go the legit way, call the cops file an abandonded (sp?) vehicle complaint....keep calling 'til they impound it, buy in when the auction it.....I personally say get a tow dolly and haul her off to a garage somewhere.....

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if you want to go the legit way, call the cops file an abandonded (sp?) vehicle complaint....keep calling 'til they impound it, buy in when the auction it.....I personally say get a tow dolly and haul her off to a garage somewhere.....


It looks like it's been in a small fender bender, and it's an '88 with 150K+ miles on it.. the hood is rusted, and it's pretty old. If it was newer, I'd consider making the effort.


Maybe I'll call a wrecker and see if I can work out a deal, the police department said that they'd probably call a towing company and the company would take posession.

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you live in ohio, ive done this before.


get the VIN and take it to the title bureau, tell them its been sitting for 3 months and the guy moved away and left it there. tell them you want to apply for an abondoned vehicle title. pics would help if theres grass growing around it or anything. you fill out the paperwork, they send a letter to the last owner's last known address, and if they don't reply within x days, the title office gives you the title(for a fee) and its your car.

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i wouldn't touch it. maybe the place he moved to doesn't allow more than one car in there lot, so he left it until he found a place for it. i've done that before, but mine got towed away because of nosey neighbors.

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Take the VIN number and go to the DMV, pay them to check out the information about the car, it will give you the address of the owner and you can contact him from there.

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