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Pics of Main #3 and Lobe #10

R Dubya

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So I got around to disasembling the engine yesterday after work, I pulled the engine on Friday night after work, it came out really easy and I was definetely pleased with my progress. So after most of the fluids came out and I took the timing cover off I removed the cam shaft, which has a bad lobe #10. Main is that thing gone. Round as a ball. Has a nice shiney and rough finish to it, unlike the others that have a shiney spot in the middle of the lobe all the way around.. heres a pic.


Sorry for the gigantic pic :lol: I'm kinda new with this digital camera thing.. anyone have a clue how to crop that down a little? If the mods can do that so dial up users dont sit here for an hour waiting for this to load I'd appreciate it.


So after this I removed the oil pan and removed the rods and pistons then removed the crankshaft.. there are slight wear marks on the crank itself, not where the bearing sits, but on the lobe near main #3. Take a look at the bearing, are these types of marks normal? At least you will get a good look with this Montana sized picture.

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Dammit. They worked the other day, I'll see if I can fix it. I took the block and heads and crank to the machine shop today, should only be a day or two more until I order all my parts, so hopefully I can start re-assembly by within a week or so.


I don't think that I am going to replace the pistons, although I found a kit with Hyperpistons, including rings, cam, lifters, all bearings, oil pump and Victor gaskets for around $400, and the hot tank, glaze, honeing and cam bearing install will run me about $130 or so.. and the heads will most likely be another $200.


I'm not sure if I'm going to replace the pistons or not.. I think it might just be best, and about $70 cheaper if I don't. I will also be adding your oiler to those cam lobes to insure that this doesn't happen again. Any other tips you can think of?

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I think either I'm having issues or Cornerdealys hosting is down.. I'll try again later and see if it will load.


EDIT: Ok they are working again.. the site was down. Those pics are huge so you can see some ridges in the sides of the bearings on main #3, and a clear pic of lobe #10.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very cool pics.


I'd replace the pistons if you have any doubt in your mind that they might fail............look at all the work it takes to replace them........let alone if they do fail, they'll pry take something else out with them.

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The pistons all mic'd out ok, i cleaned them up really well and inspected them visually for any flaws, there was nothing the matter with them, being that they only have 38k on them. The reason the cam failed was the valves, all that time sitting in between runs, and the 3+ yrs it sat until I ripped it apart didn't do the guides any good at all. I went with the same pistons but moly rings, all installed and good to go... hopefully have this beeiotch running on Monday or Tuesday.

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