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2.8 runs super then dies and wont run

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:x Well guys n gals Im new here and im sure this question has been asked to death but I have a problem.My 89 cutlass with a 2.8 is giving me loads of trouble,I bought this car non running wich i fixed with a new module.I also did a major tune up wires, plugs, all filters cleaned plenum IAC, ECT,ECT.Well all was super so I decided to take it out for a lengthy ride for the first time,as all other trips were under 15 miles it was ok no problems and the car ran perfect.Well I was out on the hyway returning from a 30 mile trip when I turned on the off ramp towards home.As I took off from the light all was well untill I hit second gear the car sputters and dies! Im like ok what now.well anyway I limped into a parking lot and tried to start it.All it did was acted like it would start but die.It was hot out that day but it wasent overheated the cooling fan comes on and all and everything is ok there. So I went and got a big cup of ice and doused the intake with it after it cooled a bit.It started and ran ok for about 30 feet and stalled again.so I figured id get a bag of ice and get it cooled down and get home, no dice same thing all over again.Well after getting it towed home after a hours wait and letting it sit overnight I try it and bang it fires up!!! Ok im at odds here as to what is causing this as I said it ran runs great untill it gets hot or heat soaks after a long run also I have noticed it takes about 7 or more turns to fire up after a long sit after driving but its fine if you start it up the same day after sitting.Can the injectors be bad? how do I check them with out removing the plenum? sorry bout the long post but im gettin ready to burn the thing!!!!


To check fuel injectors you have to remove the upper intake to check the back ones. Use a multi-meter and check the resistance of the injectors. They should be 12-12.5 ohms if they are good. Also, when the car dies do you have good spark? How about fuel pressure? Any computer codes? Get a spark tester, and borrow, steal, or whatever a fuel pressure guage. Dive around by your house until it dies. Check the spark on it and the fuel pressure.


Also after it does pull a plug-in off one of the front injectors and test the restience with the multi-meter. If it says OL(Out of Limits) then the computer is gounding out the injectors causing the no start. IF this is the case go to the junk yard and get a computer. The computer is the ground for the fuel injectors.


There is a procedure for checking the injectors w/o removing the plenum, it's gets you close enough to decide if removing the plenum is a good idea. Search for it. It was posted by JeffM. Other than that, I found you can remove 1 bolt from the middle rear of the plenum (it holds that big bracket in the back to the lower intake) then remove the 10 or so bolts on the upper plenum, w/ a friend or a couple cut up hands you can get the plenum high enough that you don't have to onhook EVERYTHING. HTH.


Ok did the spark fuel tests everything great there. 39 psi at the rail and I get a big fat blue spark.


If the torque converter clutch was bad, It would die comming to a stop, but would start right back up in nuetral or park. Did you do the tests after the car died?

:confused: yeah I did the tests after it died and fuel and spark is there and ok.Odd thing is after dumping cool water or ice near the injectors it fires up runs about 30 seconds and kills again.I can get it to fire up after the cooling drill but it wont stay running untill it cools off for a couple hours. BTW my buddy said when he was behind me after it started and ran briefly he said he smelt raw fuel :roll:

HMM well this is weird Brian p is the one person i can think of that would know almost everything about that motor either him or Shawn Lin.

did you check the coils?

and have you checked all the plugs?

may i ask what spark plugs you used on it?


FYI i use spark plugs called Split fires they seem to work great for my 2.8 :wink:


What were the injector resistance reading after it died? It could be the ICM. It sits right under the front exhaust manifold, and gets doused with heat everytime you drive it. I had the problem with my Beretta 3.1 I had, only the car would have no power; and not go past 60MPH.


So what happened: did you find what was wrong, did you fix it. is it running , there is no mean to start a traed and not finish it . don't let us hang there . Keep us informe.


Well I torn into to it and heres what I found. all the injectors except one was in the 12.5 ohms range,the bad one was 4.6.Well I havent got around to fixing it yet because the injectors I recieved from a guy on ebay dont even look like or spec out like mine! the injectors have a longer body and when I tested them they all were in the 16.3 ohms range! To be sure I checked my wifes injectors on her 3.3 buick engine in her 90 olds and hers were in the same spec range as mine.Well any way the guy said these were from a 88 camaro with a 2.8 multiport. Are they different from a 2.8 used in our application?I dunno put they look like 5.0 5.7 tuned port :roll: injectors too me.


Crank position sensor.


Once it gets hot, it'll kill the engine.

Once it cools off, it'll all operate a-okay.


yeah, but he still had spark after it died. CPS went out, then threre would be a no spark condiction. The 4.6ohm injector is bad. That one needs replaced for sure. Im leaning toward an ICM. It sits under the front manifold and gets hot all the time. The only thing is, the only real way to test its function is to hook it up to a scope at the dealer.

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