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My son has a 91 Cutty supreme SL 3.1 2 door.

We are/were having problems with the alternator not charging the battery.

Bought a new 'nator, SON put it in...easy job for a 19 yr old, right? WRONG!!!

We are tracing wires, I'm searching this forum for what could be wrong.

Read a post about the 'nator being 2 or 3 wire. HMMM. I only remember seeing one wire hooked up. You all know what happened....if he wasn't so friggin big!


Anyway, thanks for the help, LeRoy.

Tyler will be checking in under my name from time to time, PLEASE feel free to razz the hell out of him!

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Guest Anonymous
So I guess he forgot to plug the harness in?


Don;t worry I'll give em hell :lol:



I was hoping it wasn't that. I thought maybe he left the battery hooked and shocked the shit out of himself. :lol:

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Yes, he forgot to plug it in..got the red one o.k., missed the TOP one!

I guess I'll have to watch him more carefully till he grows up!




You gotta know what a teenagers attention span is like....0.3 seconds...unless it's a female!!!

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Yes, he forgot to plug it in..got the red one o.k., missed the TOP one!

I guess I'll have to watch him more carefully till he grows up!




You gotta know what a teenagers attention span is like....0.3 seconds...unless it's a female!!!


Or Hondas :lol:

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hey, i'm 19 and my car had my attenetion for a full 13 hours when i changed the alternator (first time on a 3.4, so learning curve and lots of stuck bolts, then unpluged cps)

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Now hey I'm 16 and my attention span when it comes to my cars is 100%, same with women. Now if there was a woman in my car, I don't know what I'd pay attention to, but chances are you'd be reading my obituary in the paper.

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Hey dsgrntld187 so true so true but i think that i would probably pay more attention to the chick depending on wut she was doing!!! so who else has a stereo in there car that burnt out your alternator??? well im pushing 5000 watts of stereo in my 91 cutty and it sounds sweet.


Tyler (the one who forgot to hook up the harnes)

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I was 16 years old and did the Control module, crank pos. sensor, and coil packs on my 87 6000.. That took a long ass time to do.. As they are located on the back of the 2.5.. LOL.. I was in the garage for a good day and a half, drivin my moms purple roller skate (AKA 96 Geo Tracker).. My attn span is incredible.. but throw a woman on the hood.. Damn.. WW3 could start.. Id be too busy to notice.. :lol: :lol:

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I have that problem at car shows.. Geez.. I'm supposed to be detailing my car for the competition and all the hot chicks start coming around.,, I have to be darn sure I don't start wiping off someone else's car by accident... :oops: :oops: :shock:

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