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Distributor plug still leeking, now what???

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I put in a chevy small block distributor gasket and sealant on the plug. Let it sit and started it. There is a river of oil still comming out of that thing. I have it torn back down. Any other suggestions on how to seal the sucker with out pulling the rear head?

I put in a chevy small block distributor gasket and sealant on the plug. Let it sit and started it. There is a river of oil still comming out of that thing. I have it torn back down. Any other suggestions on how to seal the sucker with out pulling the rear head?

Umm.. did you change the O-Ring itself?

Guest Anonymous

Clean it up real good and J-B Weld under it and all around it. Be sure to give it time to cure.


I personally don't like the JB Weld permanent fix idea myself. My Z34 has a pretty decent leak there as well, and I tried the silicone method. I think my next plan of attack, if I mess with it, will be an o-ring around the top of the drive, where you put your gasket. If that doesn't do it I think I'm just going to leave it, as I still don't plan on keeping the car. I keep thinking that if I mess up and leave a tiny spot where I don't get JB Weld I'll really be screwed.


im going to try an o-ring around the top. A friend of mine has a mag-light that is broken. Im going to steal the o-ring out of it. Should I put in the o-ring dry, or plast the sucker with red silicone then put the o-ring on top?

Guest Anonymous

Use some high temp. silicone or some copper gasket maker.


I did a friends car and used high temp. silicone and it hasn't leaked a drop yet. But I also put a new o-ring on the oil drive.


yeah, I got the maglight o-ring on, then siloconed the shit out of the underside. Then ploped it down and siloconed the seam between the block and the plug. The SOB better not leek again!


I got the old distribtor gasket out in one piece. There was hardly any silocone on the gasket. Probably why it leeked all over the place.

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