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Brian P

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Seems to be a picture binge here lately, I went to the billion dollar section of the Hamptons (Dune Rd) where you need to be a member of one or more beach clubs to park anywhere. Well I found this one free spot with a nice view of the Great South Bay (Atlantic ocean would be behind me)





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Very pretty pics! If you have a big pic of the first one, please link to it. I love putting sweet ass cars in my background.


Right now Shawn's Cutty is in my background, all red and freshly washed, with the kickass rims.


Waitaminnit.. does that mean Shawn's car got a nice rim job?





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I'm kicking myself cause I forgot to change the settings on the camera. But I'm working out there tomorrow, hopefully I can find a better spot somewhere where the car is level :)

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Yeah it kinda looks like it broken down on the side of the road... which is usually reserved for 80s-90s Chryslers as well as Fords.. :lol:


or the '89 Cutlass :lol: been there once or twice

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I've only had my car needed to be towed once since owning it. Coils or something went (it was a long time ago and I didn't know as much about engines). One other time the alt died but managed to get my car back home with just battery power.


W-bodies (and most GMs for that matter) are damn reliable!!!!

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Looking good!


Right now Shawn's Cutty is in my background, all red and freshly washed, with the kickass rims.


:shock: Whoah, I'm flattered! :oops: I didn't actually wax it though, too damn hot outside!

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Looking good!


Right now Shawn's Cutty is in my background, all red and freshly washed, with the kickass rims.


:shock: Whoah, I'm flattered! :oops: I didn't actually wax it though, too damn hot outside!


i know what ur saying about it being to hot, i usually just park it in the garage and leave the doors open

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