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knife edged tb??

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what does this do for perfomance?

i would like to know cause i have a tb here that i'm porting out (sent injectors and fuel rail out a few weeks ago) what can i expect to see if i knife edge this thing?


Making the edge of the throttle plate sharp......won't do shit for WOT gains.....but you *should* notice a difference in throttle response.....just becareful that you don't grind the plate don't so far it doesn't seal.


Now thats a ricer mod if ive ever heard. Take the chance on not sealing the TB plate being closed and allow like .034721 more air in, thats gotta be like 95 horsepower.



:lol: i was only asking cause brian p keeps talking about how he did it to his car and stuff :roll:

actually numbuts, you dont make it sharp, that causes tubulence. You round the edges off the plate, and you bell shape the opening of the TB so it goes to the outer edge of the TB, removing the flat wall all around the opening of the TB. This also helps with turbulence. Its not a realy HP gaining mod but every bit helps and its a piece of cake to do. On the DOHC you can tell a small difference from bellshaping the TB opening because it has a LOT more flat space around the opening for the incoming air to hit.

actually numbuts, you dont make it sharp, that causes tubulence. You round the edges off the plate, and you bell shape the opening of the TB so it goes to the outer edge of the TB, removing the flat wall all around the opening of the TB.


Yeah, what he said. But I would have used "dumbass" :lol:


I had no idea what in the hell it was................just making sense of "knife edgeing the plate".....I was at least smart enough to figure that out.


Why isn't it called "bell shaping the plate"?


YOU were the first one to even mention the plate. Go scroll up and read, or do I have to quote the damn thing.

:lol: i was only asking cause brian p keeps talking about how he did it to his car and stuff :roll:


All that was done was I opened up the TB at the edge of it with a sanding wheel, making the edge of the TB like a "knife" or butter knife for lack of better term. I would never mess with the plate because of reasons stated above.


Yes, I was the first. However, beings that both Vegeta and gp90se also referred to it as a plate, you and your slow ass cars can blow me.


wanna race bitch? You round the plate edges, and you bellshape the TB.


Oh I'm so hurt augh man. LOLOL look a too-cheap-to-get-disc-brakes Corsica owner is putting me down. Oh Beretta, my bad. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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