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failed E-test


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All that work, and I still cannot pass an e-test.Fuck.

92 Z34 Limina



HC ppm


My Car=130 FAIL




My Car=0.12 PASS


NO ppm


My Car=445 PASS


Curb Idle Test

HC ppm


My Car=81 PASS




My Car=.08 PASS


So I have a high HC.

What could that be?


I've replaced:

Upper, Lower Intake Gaskets



Checked for vaccum leaks

New exhaust

New muffs

Coverter checks out.


I forgot to add.

New plugs

Oil filter

Tranny filter

Fuel filter

New Custom CAI (maybe a culpret?)


I have NO SES lights 0ccuring whatsoever.

Not a 44 or 45.


The O2 sensor is about a year and a half old.




I'm now driving illegally cause of this bullshit.

I have no choice, I work very far from home.



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High HC count means unburnt fuel. Did you change your plugs and wires lately? Or try running a good fuel system cleaner thru it, I highly recommend CRC Guaranteed to Pass Emissions Test. That stuff works wonders, believe me. You just add a bottle to your tank, run out the entire tank then fill with fresh fuel, run about 25 miles or so, take the E-test. And if it doesn't pass you can get your money back.


Good luck, hope this helps.

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Ive still yet 2 fail a car for emissions, even got 1 to pass w/o a cat (barly)


    delco plugs and wires and clean the coilpack terminals
    new PCV valve
    new air filter
    Take the plenum and throttle body off, take the sensors off, clean with brake cleaner/kero to get all the buildup out.
    seafoam or GM top end cleaner when the cleaned plenum is put back on
    10w30 with delco oil filter (synthetic will lower emissions)
    bottle of CRC emissions crap
    check all vaccum hoses to make sure theres no cracks and all connected
    drive around for an hour before to get the cat hot, or as cold as you can with no cat


hope that helps



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High HC count means unburnt fuel. Did you change your plugs and wires lately? Or try running a good fuel system cleaner thru it, I highly recommend CRC Guaranteed to Pass Emissions Test. That stuff works wonders, believe me. You just add a bottle to your tank, run out the entire tank then fill with fresh fuel, run about 25 miles or so, take the E-test. And if it doesn't pass you can get your money back.


Good luck, hope this helps.


Listen to this guy!!


May I ask of the brand O2 sensor you have? Cause sometimes the BOSCH pieces of crap can make the engine run rich.

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Thanks guys,


I'll try that stuff and I'll do MY GM "cleens" today as well.


So frustrating.


I'll post pics of the whole procedure as well.


I know there are a few guys who would be helped by it.


What an awesome forum.


I'll bet I've saved at least $1500 bucks on labour since I've come here.


Just great!!!



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yea it is hydrocarbons. WHat you need to do is get one of the superconcentrated fuel system cleaners. THere's one of them that's almost $10 that has a garantee that you'll pass. If you don't they'll refund you double your money. I saw it at pep boys. Sorry I can't remember the brand.

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Well, I did use Penzoil Fuel Injector cleaner and wynns engine treatment before I took the test.


I have now done the GM Top Engine and poured some CRC in as well.


I'll be doing my oil and filter change later today and hopefully take the the test again tomorrow.



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Be sure to run all of the gas out and refill your tank with fresh gas before you take the e-test or you will probably fail again on high HC count.

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Thanks DOHCRagtopguy


Yep I plan doing exactly that.


If i do fail again after all this, I'm afraid I'll have to take her in.


I just don't have the time or the scanner anymore to diagnose what could be wrong.


I have my fingers crossed.




You know what really pisses me off?

The car is running fantastic. Better than the day I bought it actually.

So my car running like the crap when I bought it a year and a half ago passes, but now its running great it fails......

I just gotta scratch my head and wonder....


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I did everything suggested in this thread.


Ran cleens through, Bought some CRC, ran it through a whole tank of gas.

Fresh gas added then went again.


I FAILED again.

It did worse this time than last time.

This is after Cleens, new plugs (again) and CRC.


My New readings

HC ppm 157 FAIL

Co% .18 PASS

No ppm 649 FAIL


So, it has to be mechanical.

Whats the cheapest thing to check for next?





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Is it throwing a code? It still looks to me like it is running too rich. High NOX is from exhaust temp being too high, is your egr valve working well? The HC is once again unburnt fuel. Put those two together and you see where I'm going? Maybe you need to pull out your EGR valve and desassemble it and clean it up along with the passages in the manifold.

Also, maybe coolant temperature sensor is giving artificially cold reading to ECM causing too rich a mixture.


I'm trying the best I can to help you here. Don't know what else to come up with. Can you get ahold of a scanning tool and see the actual readings?

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Hi DOHCRagtopguy,


Geez I hope I didn't across as being Mad or unappreciative of everyones help here.


Believe me I am VERY appreciative.

I don't blame anyone here for not passing my e-test. Not at all.


To you reply,

After I blew the alternator I had a garage replace it.

They ended up blowing my PS High line in the process.


I got fed up and replaced the High pressure line myself.


I did that pretty good, so I got brave and replaced my upper and lower intake gaskets.

Replaced my plugs,PVC, Put a Cone filter on and removed my old box.

I changed the majorety of my vaccum lines, checked and double checked those for leaks.

I fixed my o-ring leak while i was in the lower intake.

Cleaned my coils and checked my (2 year old plug wires)


I did have pretty good scanner to use for a week or so.


I was getting a code 44 (lean) for a few days after I changed all those things.

I reset the computer to adjust for all the changes I made and the Code went away. Has not come back since. Going on a month now.

NO Codes at all.


I then changed the oil and filter and tranny filter and fluid.


Ran GM Top engine through and about 2 days later changed my oil and filter again.

Then I ran CRC through.


The car is running fantastic. I had a few friends over to drive it and they were shocked at the difference in performance (through all gears)

as well as it sounds great!


Oh ya new exhaust (cat back) as well.


I just can't believe that the car did better the first time (before I did the Top Engine clean and CRC) than I after I used it.


Could my new custom Air intake be causing some of the high HC ppm problem?


I mean more Air in means more fuel delivered right? Maybe I should put my old air box back on.


As well as clean the EGR , check plug gaps again, AND just replace the temp sensor. I won't even bother checking that, I'll just replace it.


So....thats where I am.




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Sorry to come across like I thought you were mad. No problem.


I don't think the cone air intake is part of the problem. If you can get the scanner, check the coolant temp sensor readouts. Although the chances are it would throw a code if it was bad.


Just sounds to me like it's kind of crudded up around the EGR pintles and such. This would restrict the flow of exhaust into the intake and therefore cause high exhaust temp which in turn causes NOX. But in most cases this too would throw a code.


You can disassemble and clean that bad boy. Just be careful with the screws.


In theory, the G2P should've cleaned a lot of carbon out which would be good. Depends how much was in there.


Good luck.

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Took your advice DOHCRagtopguy,


I spent a few hours after my last post outside.

I took the EGR off and disassembled it.

I took great care with the screws and also making sure I didn't loose track of which pintle went in which hole.


I have to say, It was really caked with carbon.

I'm talking about a 2mm layer over everything.

I could stick a small screwdriver pretty much anywhere on the insides and it would stay up.

I used a crapload of Throttle body cleaner (Not carb cleaner) and it looks pretty good now.

I did the IAC again as well.


I won't say I failed the e-test cause of that, but it certainly could not have helped in any way.


The guy who did the e-test said something in the ignition system was certainly the cause.


This really got me thinking.

When I changed my plugs I did notice some oil on the threads.

In fact pretty much the front 3 plugs had "fresh" oil on them. Just the threads, no oil at all above the threads or boots.

So (crap) maybe valve covers or guide rails.

This could be causing a misfire in one or all three of those cylinders.

This would explain unburnt fuel correct?


Then again, I would think I would notice something like that while driving or Idling.

I just don't. Its runs great. My gas milage has shot way up since all the work.


So, I'll try the scanner again in a few days. Re-check the O2 sensor and that temp sensor.



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I am glad we don't have those tests up here anymore....


don't worry, they'll come back. it was on the news a while back. i guess the EPA introduced new air quality standards again, and Detroit is failing now. somehow the city and state have to get a passing score.


the threat of that is the only reason my car still has a cat.

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For what it's worth, and you are probably sick of getting advice, but I have heard that doing an oil and filter change then immediately going to the testing station can help a car pass emission testing.


"Immediately" means don't drive the car much after changing the oil other than going to the testing station. Object is that when the car is tested, the oil in yoiur crankcase will be as clean as possible.


I can't vouch for the soundness of this advice, maybe someone else can verify it. Hope this is of some help and not just adding to the confusion

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I think you're on the right track. Stick some high octane gas in that puppy and take it out and open her up and try to blow that shit out of there. Hopefully, next one you will pass.


Did you change the ignition wires also, you may want to consider that also.


It's so weird when it runs great that it fails! I feel your pain.

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Using any solvent (top engine cleaner, TB cleaner) in a dirty engine before an emissions test will generally cause a failure. You knocked loose alot of builtup junk in your engine and its burning it all out, causing high HC counts.


Im thinking you just need to rag the shit out of it to burn all that stuff out.


on a side note, in most states you can get an emissions waiver if you show that you've spent a crazy amount of money trying to get it to pass. Only trick is, you have to show that you spent the money after it failed.

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For what it's worth, and you are probably sick of getting advice, but I have heard that doing an oil and filter change then immediately going to the testing station can help a car pass emission testing.


Hell no kcac, Until i find out whats going on I'll try anything.

Hopefully this thread, because it so full of good advice, will really help out everyone who fails the e-test.


I think the "dirt factor" may eventually be the cause of my failing.

I just haven't given it enough time to blow all that crap out.


I may take it to another garage this time.

Just to be sure.




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I should have read the thread sooner.


When I went for e-test I had a cone filter on and the guy said that those aren't good for e-test. I would definatly put the stock one back on.


Also does this place you are taking it to have a big fan that blows air into the engine bay? This gives it the effect that you are driving on the highway, rather than sitting there sucking in hot engine air..

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