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front end problems need help


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ok yesterday i had the guy put in new strutt fillments or cartridges the replacement parts came in a pair and cost me around 65 bucks i only had to pay him 10 bucks for doing the work but i gave him 20. i noticed a difference in the steering wheel seemed alittle tighter. went over bumps better and seems to be better.


but i have some squeaky noise in there now. could that be from replacing them and will they do that till they get worn in some?


also what else would make the front end make noises from clicking to squeaking? i need to get this front end tightened up for better handling and driving.


what i need to do:


get wheel alignement

rotate tires and put air and balance them


the rear brakes the one side drivers side works great no problems whatsoever. the passenger side different story in order for me to stop the tire i have to put the brakes all the way to the floor.


in the rear end i hear a clicking noise when being driven, but when i apply brakes the noise dies down and goes away as soon as i let off brakes the noise is back.


what could cause that?


im gonna replace the rear brakes i think this weekend.


the emergency brake dont seem to be working right either. i think with new brakes the whole brake system in rear should adjust and be good. i hope i want this clicking noise to stop in rear thump thump thump. now it could be my exhaust as its hanging down and rigged form when the person that owned it took the y off and made it single.


well let me know any help would be great




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With the struts...was the mounting boot replaced aswell? If the boot is old or the strut weren't mounted correctly in it, that might be the noise. If the right side rear brake isn't functioning properly, you might want to check the caliper. There shouldn't be a noticable difference in performance from one side of the car compared to the other on the same axel. When was the last time the calipers were lubricated or checked your brakes for pad life? That might solve it. Guys with more knowledge, step in now plz. lol Oh yea btw for future reference, if this were posted in the powertrain section, you might get more responses from the guys who are more technically oriented. A moderator will probably move it.

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all of your suggestions would likely help out, i mean the only thing that i didnt see there was a shack down of the front suspension. how many miles on the car? have you replaced any of the front suspension parts? could be wheel bearing or ball joint. the rear brakes if you can check the psi in that brake line, it could be kinked or clogged. its kinda of hard without actually hearing it.

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