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GP totalled

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Im thinking on totaling the 95 GT. The mechanic called and said both :?: timing belts are shot and he cant give me an estimate, probbaly has engine damage, who knows. I want to have it totalled. Its not worth fixing. what do you think?

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I want to smash both of them to pieces and get an import



:shock: i cant beleive i just wrote that


you are not the only one. I hate my car now because it always have problems. found out it is really fun to replace a heater core cover. :roll:

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Only your insurance company can offically 'total' it. I think you can give it a junk title and send 'er to the yard if it'll make ya feel better.

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Guest Anonymous

I dont want it to get destroyed either :oops:


everything was fine. last weekend I was coming home from the shore, all was great. The petty was coming on saturday, i was so excited, the car I always wanted, now i was getting one! then the 95 dies at midnight. Ok, they say its a sensor, $200-some-odd dollars, ok, its a bump in the raod, I'll muddle through. At that point I can still keep the petty in storage and have money to fix the gasket.


Then the damn mechanic calls. He says its not the sensor and both timing belts are destroyed. Obviously, now the engine is fucked. He doesnt know what it will cost and how long it will take. Probbaly a week. then I lose my job. Now I have no income. I cant afford to fix the 95 and I cant afford to keep the petty, my prized baby, in storage let alone fix it. and i have college bills totaling over $100,000. Im fucked. my life is falling apart at the seams. (I had a separte savings for my GP's... my only interest)


Im sorry but I need to vent. Im sure this belongs in the whatever section. Hopefully the mods will have mercy for such a tortured soul.

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Guest Anonymous

*coughs* college education in the city *coughs*


currently working on:

masters in architecture

minor in political science

minor in adolescent teaching/education


i should be shot now.

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Guest TurboSedan

well just take one car at a time....put the other one away for later. i have two project cars too. i'm in the middle of resealing the engine for my Lebaron GTS (my somewhat fast car) and thankfully my Cutlass (my horribly slow car) is running/driving just fine in the meantime. after my GTS is back on the road i get to yank the engine on my Cutlass and throw all my TGP parts on it while i drive the GTS :)

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Guest Anonymous

Well the problem is that if I fix the 95 i wont have the money to store the 92 let alone fix it. I hate the 95 (its ugly) and love the 92. But the 95 is registered and is (was) my daily driver.


I really thought my luck was starting to change. Everything was great until it started raining shit.



since when does the 3.4 TDOHC have two timing belts? The mechanic said one was gone and the other was badly worn. He claims no engine damage (idiot). He also says that its gonna be between $800-1000 (im a glutton for punishment). This seem correct? When they went on the 92 there was engine damage. However, she had the 92 doing like 80+mph on the highway, mine went in a praking lot.

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Well, if it was in the parking lot it matters of the RPM'S to cause serious damage. But, these motors are meant to be non-interference meaning no damage, sometimes yes damage does happen, but chances are very slim that ne thing did happen. Now, the 3.4 uses a belt for the cams, and behind the timing cover is the intermediate shaft which has a chain that connects to the crank, the chain is there because our motors are based off of 3.1's and the intermediate takes place of the pushrods camshaft, so if both are broken, you would have to tear down the front end of the motor quite a bit. But I have never heard of ne ones timing chain breaking. Did you replace the belt recently? If so someone might have fucked it up on the reinstall?


-But like I said it's highly unlikely that theres ne damage, and its very unlikey that the timing chain is broken, and did the mechanic teardown the engine to find out if it is?

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Guest Anonymous

all he did was look at this, the loser. He never took apart the engine to see what the deal is, all he said was that the timing belts were gone. One of them anyway, he's telling me $800-1000 and there shouldnt be damage.


I got into a very big fight with the rents over the 92 last nite. They dont want me to keep it at all but I've already bought the first 1.5 months of storage. So its staying till then!

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Guest Anonymous

The mechanic called again today.


He said they were having the car towed out becuase they can't fix whats wrong with it. Yesterday he told me its the timing belt and they were going to fix it. Now he doesn't want anything to do with it. This makes me think that the engine must be fucked over and he doesnt want to get involved.


I wish I knew engines better, becuase this one must be destoryed I cant tell what the deal is with it on my own :?


What do you guys think. Considering we drove it about 2 or 3 miles aFTER the belt went, i think im SOL...

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this is just a thought you could always ditch the '95 and keep the petty since it seems to be your "passion". With the money you get from parting out the '95 you could put towards buying a dependable 3.1 lumina or prix for real cheap with higher mileage. Remember the 3.1 and the 3100 are a rock...just about nothing will put them down if you even slightly care for them. Then you have a working car that drives, and then you'll put all your other money towards the petty.

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Guest Anonymous

Thanks man,


its going to be really difficult to lose the 95. They are supposed to call with a quote tomorrow, we'll se what happens. The 95 was my baby, I cant see it go. All the work I put into it, the HUD, that crazy 89 DIC into a 95 console the declas, the spoiler, the repairs... i want to cry. I thought I'd have that car forever but now I'm not so sure.

I drove the petty today, its nice and I love it too, but i wanted the 95 too. :oops:

If I can do the repair for under 1000 (unlikely) i'll go for it but then it means no money to work on the petty. If not, bye bye 95 :cry:

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Ok, dude you need to relax, the 95 has a new belt right? If so I can almost guarantee that either the timing slipped or something, and by the way there is a chain and a belt thats it. If the belt broke there is now way you could've drove the car. And it sounds like ur mechanic has no idea what he is doing. If I were you find a shop that has done a timing belt on a 3.4, you could probably get away with it for $600. I mean the car sounds like it just doesn't have to much wrong with it, and I would hate to see a nice car go down the shitter.

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Guest Anonymous

This is what I have since found out:

The belt was just about shot and slipping when the car stalled. When they took it and fixed the sensor and started it, the belt broke off and now he doesnt want anything to do with it. So we sent it to another place that had done work on the TA. If I now have engine damage becuase of the other guy he is going to lose his business becuase he's going to be paying off the lawsuit for years to come.

I originally took it to Lake Region Tire & Auto in Monroe, NY. Dont take nay car there.

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Lots of mechanics don't want to touch 3.4s cause they are lots of work. From the sounds of it, it sounds like the 3.4 might not be the engine for you, since you didn't check the belts in the first place.


If in fact your engine IS dead, I suggest you get a pushrod since you don't seem to be doing any of the work on it yourself - which the 3.4 is a high maintenance motor. "the mechanic says...." that's BS - get some manuals, and get your ass under the hood and stop complaining.


IF you are going to school and in debt, don't have room etc. then you really should wait before starting project cars.


What I would do in your situation- if the 95 is dead, part it out and reserve the spot on your driveway for the 92 if you got no money for storage. Take the bus or something.


Sorry if I am sounding like an asshole, but it just sounds like you really have your priorities f'd up.

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OMG, the chances of engine failure are very slim especially considering u were in a parking lot? The 91-95 engines are non interference, meaning that they wont cause damage, when belts break. Just slap a new belt on.

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OMG, the chances of engine failure are very slim especially considering u were in a parking lot? The 91-95 engines are non interference, meaning that they wont cause damage, when belts break. Just slap a new belt on.


I'm with you here on that. I forgot they were non-interference. I definately think you should get a different opinion ross. How about you take it to a Pontiac dealership? That's where the people who know the car best will be. It may cost more but it'd be worth your while.


I myself am about to enter my senior year of college and I'm happy most of the time that I've got the 3100. In what will be going on 2 1/2 years that I've owned the car I've had nothing more major happen than losing an alternator. Yea there are times I'd love to have the 3.4 under my hood to toast ricers even more. But I've gotta be realistic and I want dependablity over speed. I do about 97% of the work on my car. The most expensive repair I've had the dealer do was replace all my coil packs because they were rusted to the block (they were still working btw). Seriously, you should consider getting a 3100 or an older 3.1 so you can do work on it yourself. Even if you aren't the best mechanic, hell I'm sure not, but you can still work on it. It's pretty damn easy to work on, and you'll save money. Btw there's a haines manual you can buy for less than $20 at most any major auto store for our cars.

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Guest Anonymous

I am calling the place to see whats going on tomorrow. I really need to get rid of the 3.4's becuase I'm not able to work on them and they require a lot of maintenance. The 3.4 in the 92 is history as far as I am concerned and will soon get a 3800 or a L67. If I get the 95 fixed im not touching the 3.4 becuase I want to unload it for a newer GP soon.


and I agree with C-BAD, and ass the sig says, I am a complaining bitch :lol:

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Well, I for one am sick of people saying the 3.4 DOHC is such a bitch to maintain. The timing belt only requires replacement every 100,000 km (60k miles). And checking the belt requires about 30 seconds of effort to remove the front cover and visually inspect. It is true that replacing the belt is somewhat labour intensive, but EVERY dohc engine with a timing belt requires periodic inspection and replacement of the belt.


Ross, good luck with whatever route you go. But the first thing for you to do is find a real mechanic. One who has done a 3.4 t-belt before would be wise.

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i mean sure alot of shops won't touch the 3.4, and i'll be ther first to admit its an "enthusist" engine, and as an "enthusist" i have no problem whatsoever tearing into a 3.4, i saved $300-$400 by takeing a weekend and learning how to change a 3.4 alternator myself only cost to me was time beings as i already had the part, and when time comes to change the timeing belt, you can bet your ass i'll do it myself. the 3.4 is not really as difficult as people say its just different, once you get used to it you really don't mind the cramped engine bay too much. and my 3.4 is extremely relyable, pushing 18k in 6 months and not a bit of matniance other then oil changes every 3k and the occasional airfilter. so call it as you will, if you want to be able to never worry get a pushrod.

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