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Rearview Crappy Glue


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Here's a common problem for those of us living in warm climates: the glue holding my rearview mirror on stopped working and the darned thing fell right off. Now, I know that the peice is far too heavy to just glue right back on there and I need to take out the metal piece. However, that little metal piece will not come out for the life of me.

I was told there is a little latch in there, but I have poked and prodded around in that hole with about 4 different tools to no avail. After that failed, I tried to pry the damn thing off from various angles all around the metal. No such luck there, either. If anybody knows a simple way to get this damnable thing out so I can glue it back on my windshield where it belongs, I'd be much oblidged.

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There should be a Torx screw holding the metal part in there. If not, I'm not sure. Worst case scenario, you'll have to go to the junkyard and get another rearview setup, but that's only if you really can't get this one fixed.

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I don't see any torx screw. Is it under one of the plastic panels? If so, how do I take off that panel?


:? Plastic panels?


Ok, hold the mirror as if it's in your car, you should be looking straight at where the torx screw should be. It's seriously simple, no removing anything. If there's a big hole, the torx screw is gone.


This thread is worthless without pics.

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Here are some pics. I still have no idea where this torx screw is at, though. Apparently, today is not my day with technology, since I previewed them with the image code this service provides and nothing shows up. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Technology is a bitch, ain't she? they don't work for me anymore, now. Do you have an e-mail address I could send them to or something like that?

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Nah. I spent about 2 hours this afternoon with a knife and several different types of screwdrivers trying to pry that thing off from every possible angle.

I went down to a mechanic and he told me there is a little latch/catch in there that I needed to press on to get it to open, but after digging around in those holes, I can't find it for the life of me. I even put a flishlight on it and had a little poker. It felt like being a surgeon.

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Thanks; I'm gonna need it. If you have any buddies who might know something about this thing, please direct them over to this post.

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Guest TurboSedan

i wonder if a previous owner might have replaced your rearview mirror with one from another car? does your mirror have dual map lights? maybe you could just get another mirror from a junkyard car and use that one instead?


i'm going to try putting a W-body dual map light rearview mirror in my Lebaron GTS.

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Yeah, it's got the dual map lights. They're pretty handy, since the only other lights in the car are behind the front seat and it gets pretty dark in there with only those.

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Guest TurboSedan

yeah i LOVE the dual map lights! i deliver pizza with my car and it really helps me keep track of tips, check addresses etc and i don't have to light up the whole interior :)

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That metal tab should just slide out of there. Are you the original owner? If not, the mirror has probably fell off before and they didn't put it back on the *proper* way and now the tab is glued into the mirror instead of just to the window. I would try some kind of adhesive remover and try not to get it on the mirror itself(it will probably fade the trim on the mirror if you do unless there is some special kind that is paint/trim safe or something) and get it down in/around that tab and then try to work it loose after it sits for a while.

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Must be from a Grand Prix? Mine had the exact same thing. It SHOULD slide right out.. its tight, but mine slid out. But like you said, it doesn't. That plastic thing doesn't come up. I have the scars on my hand from all the screwdriver stabs to prove it.

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I'll see what I can do. I soaked it in nail polish remover for about 5 minutes earlier in the day. Should I maybe soak it longer or is there something even better than that stuff to clear it up if there is any glue in there?

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I'll see what I can do. I soaked it in nail polish remover for about 5 minutes earlier in the day. Should I maybe soak it longer or is there something even better than that stuff to clear it up if there is any glue in there?


I got some gum/adhesive remover in a white ran(has a picture of a piece of gum and some glue on the spray can :lol: ) from an autoparts store a while back when I debadged an old car, the adhesive remover worked pretty well removing the 15yr old adhesive.

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I will definitely give that a try if I can't get it off by tomorrow afternoon. I need to get this mirror fixed, so I can put the car up for sale and let someone else come to love w-body cars.

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I put Donnelly autodimming mirrors in my TGP and convertible with that type mount.

There is a slot on the bottom. Place the button (that little metal mount) against a flat surface. Insert a small flathead screwdriver into the hole, then lift upwards on the screwdriver handle. The mirror should slide off the mount. It's really easy once you get the hang of it. I had a helluva time figuring out how that mount works, but now that I've figured it out, I can remove a rearview mirror in just 1 second.


If it's tight or stuck, you might try a little motor oil in the mount.

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I tried doing that like you've said, but so far all I have succeeded in is breaking one of my screwdrivers. Maybe it really is glued on there....

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OH MY GOODNESS!!! Damn do my fingers hurt, and my poor little screwdriver; she'll never be the same. But at least I can fix that mirror now. Thank you all so much for helping me out, especially Shawn. Your tip is the one that finally got that thing broken down. Thanks again everybody.

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