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Someone, ANYONE, have belt routing diagrams for 3.8L SC?

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It's for an '04 but I think '03- prior should be the same. Inner AND outer routing diagrams would be appreciated. Thanky


Here is one from a 99 GP series2 3.8L its not SC but it should be mostly the same besides the SC pully




Thanks, and son of a bitch, the '04 GTP doesnt have that sticker ANYWHERE nor in the manual, nor in Mitchell data. Incredible!


Yeah and you wouldn't believe the amount of seemingly correct "combos" of routing those belts. Pieces of shits, this stuff should be easy!

hows the 04 gtp in terms of quickness?


About equal w/ the 97-03's for the most part, most run a tad bit slower(usually high 14's) then the 2nd gens though..a lot of that is the PCM holding the car back from what I've read at clubgp. There are a few guys doing 13.0's now w/ a couple of mods on their 04's, so they're pretty damn quick. :wink:


Belt routing diagram? Who needs that? I have put belts on those engines SO many times I could almost do it blindfolded. There are definately a LOT of pullies though, that is why so many people use underdrive pullies and things like that on those engines, because there is so much power being robbed from the engine because of those pullies, its not even funny. The water pump alone is supposed to rob 10hp @ redline, so imagine the alternator or air conditioner or something like that and how much power those rob. I can understand not knowing how the belt routing goes if you have never put a belt on one before though, the accessory belt especially.


In terms of the '04s quickness...they are slightly heavier than the '97-'03s and I guess the extra power and gearing is too regulated by the PCM to help them much, so they run a little slower actually than the older ones. (the all seem to be high 14's-mid 15's somewhere) Most of the problems with them are the PCM's though. As soon as a different PCM came out for those, the fastest time went from a 13.4X to a 13.0X...with just a different computer. 4 tenths is a LOT. They have a lot left to learn about those cars, but they should have just as much potential as the older ones, they just have to figure out all of the differences. The main problem they have right now is there isn't a good intercooler available for them yet. There is ZZP's small intercooler available (and it is the only one available for them IIRC) but it is a little less than half as effective as their regular intercooler, so its not of much help to them. When an intercooler is released you will quickly see those cars going very low 12's-high 11's.



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