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Power sources for my toys. Help!!!


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I have a mini itx computer mated to a 7" touchscreen. 800MHz, 512 MB sdram, 80 GB hard drive, slot loading dvd drive, etc. whatever.

Here is the link to the case I got.



I have fiberglassed the screen into place, and the case sits in the center console. The power supply for the case is 60W, and the screen I imagine is about the same, plus I have two 10" subs running on a 600W kenwood amp. I have a sequencer that allows power to the computer to shut down, and it gives a 5 second delay so the power regulates after its potential surge as not to harm the computer. Regardless, enough bragging, I want to know, am I going to need a heavy duty alt, or a mega battery or what?


Thanks for the help in advance.

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Cool, I've been wanting to do the same thing but I can't figure out a decent way to get my 15" touch screen in the interior (things been sitting in a box for 2yrs :( ). I'd like to see pics of your install, might help me with some ideas. :)


Anyway, I don't think you're pushing things with what you have and if you want to improve things get a cap. for your subs cause that's gonna be the biggest draw off your electical system. An extra ground right off the battery to the frame wouldn't hurt either.


I wouldn't worry about it unless you have problems.

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