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Accident.. PICS! 6/23! 56k warning!

Dirty Rockstar

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:( Last Monday.. I was driving through a parking lot, and thats about it.. Some woman in a Park Ave. was goin ~40 through it and SLAMMED into my left front corner.. Hard.. I slammed my head into my moms first, then into the pillar behind the front door.. My handcuffs on the mirror moved so hard the mirror came clean off.. Now, its all body damage, thank god.. Here's what is ruined:

Left front fender

Left front door

Front bumper

Header panel

Left corner lens

ALL headlight mounting brackets

The grille (Only little cracks on the fins.. Still looks good)



Funny thing is, MY car drove home w/o a problem.. Jusat the alignment is fucked.. The Buick was totaled.. Overheated right there too. I heard it.. I have pics, but my USB is jacked so I cant upload them, but I will be uploading them.. Look for some part requests in the classified section, lol.. On a lighter note.. I did a custom decal job on my car.. I wrote Buick Killer on all the parts Im replacing.. lmao.. Pics will be up as soon as I can get them.. Later all!

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I would, but it can be turned right around as I had no insurance on my car.. See, my dad took it off around march Id say.... And neglected to tell me of this.. Im just pissed off more so.. Ugh.. And my poor car!!!

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if your alignment feels fucked, i bet you have frame damage... time to start looking for a new car. would cost more to put on a rack and have pulled then to find another lumina and swap the parts over.

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Nah, it needed an alignment as it was.. But my brand new struts were bent. And the frame was looked at my the shop that did my front end.. Thats all he could really see was the bent strut.. And the frame is still straight he said.. It goes in in a couple weeks, so Ill find out then..

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i remeber you tellin me about it, sucks. well good excuse to add the z bumper to your car now, if you need any parts let me know i can usually get them prety cheep

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sorry bout your car man!!! how did you know she was going 40? did the cops estimate that? thats the second black lumina euro to get wrecked by a big GM 4 door this year that i know. A friend of mine had a 94 Euro that got totalled by a Caddy a few months ago.


But on the good side, this is an excellent opportunity to get a Z34 front bumper!!! Hell while your at it, get the rear bumper too! :D

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Man Steve, that sucks. Good luck with her though. I'm sure you should find all the parts that you need. If you need help finding anything, theres a local JY that should have all the parts you need, so just hit me up.

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I know man.. Ill be gettin them soon.. My USB is so fucked up, I cant upload them.. June has been a month for Steve to jut fuck up in.. I tell ya.. Nothings goin right (Cept with the girlfriend.. We really close :wink: :wink: ) Anyway, Pics soon! :D

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:( Last Monday.. I was driving through a parking lot, and thats about it.. Some woman in a Park Ave. was goin ~40 through it and SLAMMED into my left front corner.. Hard.. I slammed my head into my moms first, then into the pillar behind the front door.. My handcuffs on the mirror moved so hard the mirror came clean off.. Now, its all body damage, thank god..<snip>


I REALLY feel sorry for you. The black 1990 Lumina Euros are beautiful cars. That's what color my Lumina is. I can't tell from the angle of the pic in your sig whether your's is a coupe or a sedan. Mine is a coupe, as the user name implies, and you see less and less of black 1990 Lumina Euros. I hope that it can be repaired.


Sorry for the long rant that follows :x


You stated that she was in a Park Avenue. How old was she? I know that because of the weather that we have year round here in Alabama(our winters are usually 65 degrees F) we have our share of retired people, althought not as much as Florida thank God. Many of them are driving on our roads that should not be. It's not a matter of just their age, or the fact that they cause accidents, can't see/hear, lack the muscle coordination to control a car, or the judgement to make rational decisions, you are playing with peoples LIVES when you drive when you do not need to be. I'm not trying to paint everyone with the same brush. Not all are that way, but we have many that are.


Case and point:


I also have three Trans Am's A 1986, a 1990 and a 1993. I was driving the 1990 down US 431 a few weeks ago, and a lady in an Escalade who looked to be about 80 turned right and pulled out from an intersection, right in front of me when I was about 40 feet from her. I locked the brakes, smoked the tires while getting sideways, and sat down on the horn. She never even looked at me. I got beside her at the light and looked at her(well her fingers anyway) and she never looked over. I honestly think that she never even saw me or heard me skid or sound the horn. That or she was trying to avoid eye contact. I think the former is true, though. Who pulls out when someone is right upon them? I was doing about 50. Now if I would have hit her Escalade with my Trans Am, who do you think would have gotten hurt the most severe? My beef is that she would have probably walked away, while I would have probably taken a trip to the hospital and I know I would have totaled my car. All those problems just because someone just HAS to drive whether the are fit to or not. I say if you are older and you are able to drive like the rest of us, Fine, but if not KEEP YOUR BUTT OFF OF THE ROAD!! Take the trolley or shuttle.


Sorry to rant, but this is a sore spot with allot of young people down South. I was taught to respect my elders, but I wish they would make ALL of us take a hearing and vision test each time before they renew our license. It would cut down on allot of problems like this. It's getting dangerous.


The important thig is that you are okay. I hope your car gets fixed and lets see some pics of the damage when you get everything working again.


Keep us updated.

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I'm not sure if your headlights are the saME AS THE pRIX le ONES, BUT IF THEY ARE i GOT A SET OF THEM. tHEY DON'T HAVE THE METAL RINGS THAT HOLD THE BULBS IN, BUT THOSE JUST PULL OFF THE BACKS. If they are the same let me know and I'll hook you up.


Opps, hit caps, sorry but i don't feel like retyping that.

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hey steve! got good news though! i know where there are 2 nice conditioned red Zs are in a yard if you still need bumpers/hood. right now, the net is off till tomorrow, so pm me on what you need and i can call

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steve sorry to hear about your car...atleast you're okay. Now you can upgrade from what it sounds...you better get your insurance back though...

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Oh I know I need insurance again.. If I had known daddy-o took it off, Ida had it done by now.. Now were lookin for the title o we can transfer my car into my name so I can run out n get my own insurance :P Things are lookin good too because parts are tartin to fall in my general direction

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Wow, that's not as bad as I pictured it from your initial description. Is there any frame damage from what you can tell? If not it looks like an easy enough fix. Now instead of naming your car the "Euro SS," get some decals that say "Buick Basher" :D ...

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lol.. I wantr a vinyl decal that says Buick Killer/basher/molester/raper/etc for the back window.. But the Euro SS project is still goin as planned.. I have the "S's" I plan to use.. Just need an xacto to get them prepped and glued up.. Then bye bye 3.1 on my doors.. There is slight frame bending, but definately fixable..

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Man, if she was actually moving 40 mph your damn lucky to get away with such little damage. When I had a parking lot crunch the chick who hit me couldn't have been moving faster than 20 mph and my front end was way worse. But then again that was in the 98 Touring Sedan and that thing didn't seem to like being hit too much. (the front end had been crunched twice and repaired twice already)

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I hit the back of a flatbed truck, and I definitely have been driving my car for the past... oh... month since that happened.. only repaired the headlights and screwed ICM and coilpacks. (They weren't bolted down, God knows why, I never knew)

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