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Problems, again.....*Updated, scroll down*

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Its like a never ending story with this car :lol: Anways, its been raining a lot here lately. It seems that if i'm out driving around while its raining, the car will run like crap. The battery light will come on, and the voltage guage will either read high or low. Also, the engine will run like crap too, like it will only rev so high while driving(the rpms will jump around), and there just doesn't feel like theres much power. Now that it hasn't rained for a few days, and the car is nice and dry, its running fine.

The other problem: Yesterday, i went out with the GF. As we got back into my car, i went to start the car. It would start to crank like normal, for about 1 second, then nothing. I mean, seriously, it would start to crank, then it just acted like the key was in the on position, but not trying to start her up. So, the last time, while doing this, i gave it gas while starting, and she fired right up. My dad thinks its the starter, but i think he's wrong. I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of not getting fuel or spark.


On a good note, my car goes into the exhaust shop on wednesday :D


good lord, it IS a never ending story with that car, i'd guess something in the alternator was not likeing the wet weather, mabie time to replace that?


Alt. is brand new.

What do you mean battery posts? Like corrosion, bad connections... or all of that?


Exactly, it's possible that corrsosion could cause these problems for you, and it's free (usually) to fix. I'd try cleaning them up and see if it helps, you'd be surprised at the problems a bit of corrosion can cause.


Well, heres an update on how she's been running the past few days: Shitty.

When you start it up, the RPM's will hang around 600 RPM's and act like its gonna die until you give it some gas. It will then come to rest around 900 RPM and be idleing rough. When driving, it will constantly have no power, and act like its missing. If you give it WOT, it will miss, and it won't steadily accelerate or get anywhere too awful fast. When im just going, at say 40 mph, the rpm's will jump like a mofo. When coming to a stop or making a turn, when i left off the gas, i usually have to give it a slight rev, just to keep it from dying. Fun, eh? And the nicest thing as of yet, she backfired yesterday, which then i definately said im not driving it until she gets into a shop.

So, the car goes into the shop thursday morning. Wish me good luck for this never ending story.


Backfire? I have only heard an EFI car backfire twice, and both times was caused by a dying fuel pump.

I'd check the fuel pressure and go from there.

Backfire? I have only heard an EFI car backfire twice, and both times was caused by a dying fuel pump.

I'd check the fuel pressure and go from there.


shawn you read my mind. i was just about to suggest he change it from reading everything else. I think that's your best bet.


hope she gets fixed soon.......at least she looks nice.....have the shop hook up those "bleach nozzles" too....

have the shop hook up those "bleach nozzles" too....


WTF are "bleach noozles"?

have the shop hook up those "bleach nozzles" too....


WTF are "bleach noozles"?


there are nozzles in the wheel wells, I would guess that they were used to spray bleach onto the front tires....


The symptons in your recent post sound just like a vac leak, but the first one sounds like a fuel problem. I too would check the fuel pressure.



My car ran like shit last night, just like a vac leak or the lower intake gasket blew again i was pissed. Turns out, some how the screws holding the TPS in fell out, and the car was loosing vac pretty damn bad. It sounded like a boat. (sorry that has nothing to do with this thread)


Hmmm.... Well, its at the shop now. Hopefully they will find the cause. Its not a vacuum leak, the last shop that it was at found that and replaced the hoses.

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