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Right now, as i type, i can see the ass end of my car in the air...


basically, my passenger side caliper is frozen solid...


first i sarted off the day as usual when i noticed a squeeking coming from my car... it was just what i thought it would be, my passengers side caliper...now i'm pissed because i dropped an assload of money into this thing all winter so the brakes WOULDN'T freeze, yet they presist...


so basically i need help finding the best information on how to install 94+ rear brakes, cause i'm SICK of working on these SHITTY calipers...


also any dononations would be accepted!!

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from memory i believe it is rather cheap to do the swap.

brackets are a few buck from the yard.

you call on new or used calipers.


as for ebrake it all depends on if you have to have it for vehicle inspections or not. and if not do you want an ebrake.


hit up the search for more definitive.


i would guess 50-100 depending on the details.



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