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Power Steering Leak

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My '96 has a leak. It seems to randomly leak a whole lot all at once. Sometimes I have to add fluid after 3 or 4 days and sometimes after 2 weeks. One day the ps pump will be quiet then the next day it'll be whining for fluid. This last time, it was ok on the way to work, then when I started it to go home 8 hours later, the pump was wining. The funny this is that I can't see any large leaks anywhere. Do the pumps themselves ever leak (not at the fittings)? The area under the pump is oily, but I'm not sure if that's from the engine.


sounds like power steering pump shaft seal is leaking, especially if the area under the pump is wet. Cheap part but you will need the proper puller/installer for the pully.


Most of the time it is the pressure line. Mine did the same thing, and left a very small puddle under ti about twice a week. The line was fairly cheap and easy to change. I'd do that first. btw I never saw the direct leak in the line, it was a guess since that most commonly is what goes out.

Guest TurboSedan

it could possibly be the o-ring between the reservoir and pump.


it could be a number of things from a bad o-ring, pressure line, i thought mine was the pressure line when it fact it was a line on the rack spraying on the the pressure line.

here is a write up i did when i replaced my pump



Power Steering Pump Replacement & Bleeding Procedure

To replace the pump you will need a pulley puller. You can rent them from AutoZone.

1. Safety purposes disconnect battery.

2. Remove coolant overflow

3. Remove serpentine belt 18mm

4. Remove fluid from reservoir (turkey baster) (sp?)

5. Disconnect lines put lines in a bag so they aren’t leaking more fluid on your engine. You will need a 16mm and a flathead screwdriver.

6. Remove the pulley now (using the pulley puller)

7. Remove the pump. (3) 13mm bolts


Removing Reservoir

If you get a pump without reservoir take of the clips retaining it.

You will need a flathead screwdriver



Power Assist Actuator (gm option)

8. To remove the actuator you will need to first take off the reservoir

9. Put pump back on car and remove (using car as a vise) and a pair of channel locks

10. Remove actuator


Put your old actuator on the new pump.


Put everything back together.

Reverse of teardown

Put the reservoir on make sure that the o-ring between the reservoir and tank is in place other wise you will never bleed the system.


Bleeding Procedure

1. Jack the car off the ground. So both front wheels are off the ground

2. Turn key on (don’t start)

3. Turn wheel to left and fill to (cold fill)

4. Turn wheel lock to lock up to or more than 40 times till there is no air bubbles maintain fluid level

5. Straighten out wheels lower.

6. Turn wheel left and right.


If there is noise check all connections again.

If the fluid is foamy or discolored it has air getting in somewhere check all connections and re-bleed.


Tools needed:

Metric tool set. 13mm, 16mm, 18mm

Flathead screwdriver

Channel locks

Jack & Stands

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