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TGP won't start


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Today I changed the spark plugs and after I was done it cranked but it wouldn't fire. I checked the fuses and for spark and fuel and it has then. and I swapped the ECM and it wasn't that also.


I think somehow it's not getting fuel. Could there be somthing for the fuel injectors that cut's them all off?

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A stupid question I know but are you sure you got all the wires on in the right spot, or even on all the way. I mean if the problem happened right after you put new plugs in it...first thing i would do is make sure that you put the plugs in right. Make sure the wires are all good and are on the coil and plug all the way...and make sure all the wires are on the right plug. It might sound stupid, but its not hard to cross wires by mistake. I would check and double check that before trying to troubleshoot other areas.



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Common mistake is wiring the car backwards...remember that the #1, 3, and 5 cylinders are against the firewall and #2, 4, and 6 are towards the radiator!! 8)

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Well I went over by Nick's house and found his spare set of keys :D, so I was able to try to start it after straighting out the wires. But it misses a lot, runs rich and is slow. I think that one or two of the rear sparkplug boots aren't on all the way. I could try to get over there tomorrow to check them.

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Something I just learned the other day..


1 4 6 3 2 5


1 and 4 can be switched, these coil numbers are from left to right.


Think of it like this and compare it to women..


14's to young, 63's too old, but 25's just right.


Odd's in the back against the firewall, even's up front.

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1-4 6-3 2-5 can all be switched. The coil fires them both at the same time. So it doesn't matter which post it's on, as long as it's on the right coil. (But do it right :lol:)

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That sounds almost exactly the way that my TGP is sounding right now. I pulled the ignition control module today and had it tested, and it failed. Look into that...

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Actually Nick and I pulled that out tonight. :) We are going to get it tested tomorrow morning. Man that's a pain to get out. I bet it took up a good hour and a half.

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Did you take the coils off or remove the whole heat sink? Either way it's a pain in the ass.. I've done it 4 or 5 times now so I'm gettin the hang of it. :wink:

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Guest Anonymous

When you put the ICM back in only use the 2 upper bolts. Take the one from the bottom and throw it at a GM engineer. Seriously though you don't need the bottom bolt.

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