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the mirrors on my '88 grand prix are fucked. they are the power mirrors and the power switch is broken, but this doesn't bother me too much. what bothers me is that whatever holds the actually mirror glass in place, is fucked up and broke or something. bottom line whenever i turn up bass or theres even a strong wind they fly right out of alignment. this is a big bitch. now i still have my old '89 cavalier, and the mirrors look like they have a similar base. could i swap these, and does anyone have any other suggestions??? i really dont give a fuck about the power mirrors, i just need the damn things to stay in place.

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My suggestion go to the junkyard and get some that feel like the glass is more solid. I don't think ones from a Cavalier would fit (but I could be wrong). Sucks ass how you have to take off the whole door panel to get at the damn bolts. :evil:

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