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Oh Boy, am I glad to see you guys!!! Heres a gooder!!

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Finally!!!!!!!!!!! :worship:


I have ben looking for a club like this for a long time. Everywhere else on the planet, theres nothing but big block, 442, and Rocket talk.

".......3.4 litre..????? GM never made a 3.4 litre......" Awww Piss off!!


Finally a chance to get some half decent information regarding this car and the engine that powers it. So far I've learned that it's a 'w-body' style. I know there are three chassis types ( or styles, I guess ) that came with this motor. I happen to be the proud, however frustrated owner of one.

1994 Cutlass Supreme 2dr loaded to the nuts with extras ( was a dealer show model, apparently ) c/w 3.4 L DOHC Boat anchor. Loads of Kms, the engine is shot (sitting on an engine stand in my shop) and needs a bit of TLC.

Bieng as stupid as I am, I took on the little gem as my new project car thinking I could use a challenge. Cause hey.....any idiot can bolt on a carbeurator and make an engine WORK right? I've done lotsa that, hell I did a quad four, I can tackle this thing.........oh boy!!!!!!!!!!!!

First thing dude at the GM dealership said to me was:

"....how much did you spend?? Buddy, cut your losses and get rid of that thing......"

I wanna know why this motor could be worthy of the $5000 rebuilt short block and if I should go with the original motor or try something else.

My idea was to swap out a whole front clip or something. I notice the engine, transaxle, and suspension assembly is put together on a skid sort of dealie and it looks like it is bolted to the frame underneath. I have a hunch that the Grand Prix and other similar frame designs are built with the same configuration. I'm curious to know if I can swap that aluminum concoction of shit and abuse out of my car and bolt something into it that will have the ability to reliably produce alot of HP and bolt it up to something that requires the use uf a clutch to switch gears. Has there ever been such a modification done that anyone knows about? Any sort of cross model transplants in the Cutlass at all?? Better yet......hee hee.......is there a future for a V8 in this style of car?? Oh boy would that ever be joyus :naughty: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So if anybody has any infomation on this topic I would be happy to hear it. I sure would like to get started on this thing bfore my engine stand folds over and my car sinks into the ground. Please pleasepleasepleaseplease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and Canadian funds there to on that engine eh!!

That's like.........what $36.79 US????? HA!!!!


First off, welcome to the board. Second, to answer your question about motor swaps, hell yeah you can swap in another motor. Most common swap is the L67 (3800 Series II supercharged) motor from a 98-2002 Grand Prix or Regal. A good site for info is http://www.l67swap.com There are plenty of members here that have your motor (LQ1) in their cars and know all the tricks and quirks, etc. You might also want to check out http://60degreev6.com They are geared more towards the motors, not the platform. Also you can swap in a V8, the Caddy 4.9 Liter to be exact. I think there is someone on the board who has done this before. All I gotta say is don't get rid of that Cutty yet. I'm sure some of the other members here can sway you on what motor to go with better than I can, but good luck nonetheless...


the wonderful 3.4 TDOHC, anyhow what exaclty was the problem with it before you pulled it? and yes you can bolt up a manual transmision to it, the Getrag 282 or 284 (284 pref) will work good behind the 3.4, there are a few people here who have swaped to manual from auto. oh yea and welcome



That site may be your godsend. If you're really into giving it power, don't waste time with the 3.4. Go straight for a modern 3800 S/C. For a transmission, if you can hunt down a Getrag 282 and beef the hell out of it, you're in heaven.


First off, welcome


second, l67 (aka 3800 supercharged) is the offical boat anchor.


third, and LQ1 can make a good amount of power depending how its built up. theres 3 guys on here with turbo LQ1 (3.4) cars, including http://www.brian89gp.com Be warned, the LQ1 motor is pooly designed because of how quickly it was come up with 2 fight off the SHO motor. if you have a good understanding of engines, some time and some money, you will make that 3.4 move very well.


There are 2 5 speeds for our w-body cars, the getrag 282 and 284. The 282 came in 2.8/3.1 cars and the 284 came in the 3.4 cars, but the 284 cannot e rebuilt unless its sent back to the factory (so ive been told) where any tranny place can build up a 282 to hold a lot of power.


Good luck whatever you decide on.




Welcome to the board! I hope one of us here can answer all your questions. I am one of those nuts that has a 442, a big block Chevy and so on!!! :lol: am more knowlegdeable on those then I am on my 91 Cutlass. I do know little about it. It was dead after I got it home and its running now. I have been on a crash w body course since last year (even though the 89 Gp I put together was rear ended) i have been working on the ever since.

Guest TurboSedan


That site may be your godsend. If you're really into giving it power, don't waste time with the 3.4. Go straight for a modern 3800 S/C. For a transmission, if you can hunt down a Getrag 282 and beef the hell out of it, you're in heaven.


i'd actually say that the TDC 3.4 is MUCH more 'modern' than the 3800! i would swap in the Getrag 284 5-speed and turbocharge the 3.4, but an L67 swap will definately make enough power to get you into the 13s and there is more of an aftermarket.


to this day the fastest car i have ever ridden in was timg's Turbo Monte Z34...that thing is sweet!



i would swap in the Getrag 284 5-speed and turbocharge the 3.4, but an L67 swap will definately make enough power to get you into the 13s and there is more of an aftermarket.


a lot of the aftermarket (headers, CAI) wont fit a 1st gen w-body.



i'd actually say that the TDC 3.4 is MUCH more 'modern' than the 3800!


By modern I meant like out of a '03/'04 (up there) as opposed to an early 90s engine like ours.


lets not forget about ASG's beefed tranny and their 5.0s that fit in our bay


Yeah, but the full ASG 5.0 kit costs like, $9600

You could swap in an L67, or you could rebuild the LQ1. There was a website posted a week or so ago up here, and some guy had fixed up a 3.4 in a Fiero to make 240 rwhp, versus the previous "stock" 170 or so. He had made a 6.8l airbox on top of the motors, and he had short, fat intake runners. His motor wasn't built much for torque, but it had high-end up the ass.


I would go with the ASG 5.0 if money isnt a issue. :D Also another idea that hasnt been brought up is to go to http://www.v8archie.com buy a v8 adapter kit that works on our trannys and put a 350 in it.




Goody goody.........I LOVE it!!!!


OK, so heres what I get so far.....the getrag 282 is likely the one I want, because it can be rebuilt to handle decent HP, and I would imagine this is advantagous if you happen to scatter the thing at the track or something. The 284 is the bigger of the two but (apparently) cannot be overhauled.

OK, got that! Now this L67 is a later model 3800 series engine that is built with a factory supercharger. This is the motor found in the GP, Buick, and Boniville SSEi's no?? This little power house is transplantable into my 94 Cuttle Ass?? This is good news.......really good news!!!!!! ( I just gotta find this shit)


White93z34 asked

"... the wonderful 3.4 TDOHC, anyhow what exaclty was the problem with it before you pulled it?....."


Uh....one more trip to the corner store would have been an invitation to shrapnel fest! Huge metal to metal knock seperated by high pitched grinding squeal, engine oil on dip stick looked like fluid outuva snow globe!!! N.F.G.!!!!!!

Ha.....get this...........I bought the car like this!!!! Dude sold it to me for $600 dollars............I said OK......................dont really know why?!?!?!?!? Somehting about that car :!:

Any way I haven't torn the thing down yet, so I'm not sure what's wrong with it in side fore sure. I'll tell you though, if you have any appreciation for the internal combustion engine whatsoever, the sound this poor thing was making would bring a tear to your eye!! I dont know, I was sort of thinking the piston is shot and the keepers for the wrist pin let go or something. Dunno. Nasty, evil sraping sound though.


Crimson Fury Z

"lets not forget about ASG's beefed tranny and their 5.0s that fit in our bay"


Just outta curiosity, what is this about??? 5.0's???? ASG's????

I hope this means 8cyl

Speaking of 8cyl, some body had mentioned the cadillac 4.6 litre. Is that by chance the 32 valve (so called 'Northstar') V8 motor. If so, wasn't that motor originally built by Oldsmobile anyway?? Just the same I can't imagine what kind of a shit sandwich it would have to be to locate and try to instll one of those things. Cheap like diamonds!!!


Any way, thank you guys a ton! I love the input so far. I love to learn new and interesting things about my car, and I hope to get some more tid bits of info along the way. You folks have been a huge help, and also thanks for the warm welcome.




Its a 4.9 caddy v8 thats board out and overhauled to (iirc) 330 horse, more/less depending on your application and $. $9600 is a LOT of money for a motor and installation. rebuild that LQ1 for low compression and high boost, be a world of fun.




welcome to the place.

i think many of us started out by finding old oldsmobile forums first before this place. i know i did.


best bet is to read and read and read some more.




that poor 3.4 :cry:


well in most cases the l67 is the way to go for quick and easy power, just be sure to keep the s/c oil full otherwise you might have a toastycar.


The Caddy 4.9L is a pushrod V8 based on the HT4100 design from the 80's. Aluminum block, iron heads, wet-sleeve engine. Not really the most reliable engine... most late-model Caddy's with blown engines are likely to be 4.9L's (almost all that I've seen). It will fit, but you need custom mounts. Like someone said before, the ASG version is just a bored out 5.0L. This engine is good for torque and the V8 sound/feel, but you'll get more performance out of a 3800 Series II SC.


Northstar won't fit, its 90-degree DOHC heads make it WAY too wide and won't clear the firewall.


350 smallblock with a V8 Archie adapter won't clear the right frame rail by a large margin.


I've heard if you have $15,000 to spend on just a shortblock, you can order a FWD version of the LS1 from GM, like the one they put in the concept FWD Impalas.


I would probably tear into the 3.4 just to see how bad it really is. Fixing it might be a lot cheaper and easier than replacing it with something completely different.

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