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Injector rates for 3.4 DOHC

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Anyone know what rate injectors are in the 91-93 and 95 3.4 DOHC motors.

I am running a 95 engine from a cutlass in a Fiero with a 93 ecm and manual prom. It is running reeeeeeeeaaallllllllly rich and I am trying to figure out if the injector rates were really different.





Dave E


I did a bit of research on GMPD's catalog...........91-93 3.4 DOHC has the same parts number........but 94s have a different.....this *might* be involved with the switch to SFI.....I don't know why it would.....they actual firing of the injector is the same.


I should also add, my 1996 Beretta's injectors for the 3100 also carry a third number.....weird........either there IS a difference in the flow rates or the internals of the injectors......or the same part carries a different number (that happens more often than you might think).


17104256 - 91 3.4 DOHC

17090849 - 94 3.4 DOHC

17113572 - 96 3100

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