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Green-tipped spark plugs: WTF?!

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I pulled the spark plugs and notice that the metal part (upper portion) of the spark plug is completely rusted. Also the tip of 2 of the front 3 spark plugs were gree...WTF?! Could it be addititve?


My car is been running like shit (very very slow) and I don't know what it could be. Would replacing the spark plugs make a difference?


The car can be describe as feeling heavy. I'm not used to this, my best was a 15.2!!!! And at the track I was at 16's!!!


I'm going crazy. I got bored so I retimed my car thinking maybe I'll hit a jackpot but no, car seems a bit slower now, well about the same. I guess i was hoping for a BOOM or something.


ANother symptom is some knocking, mainly when decelerating. What could THAT be?!

Guest TurboSedan

blown head gasket....coolant? have you done a compression check?


well i dont burn coolant...so i dont know. I do have a compression checker


well here's the thing, awhile back it rained so much my car almost got flooded. The alternator was replaced since it began to act too fucking funny, (funny thing i actually pulled leaves and twigs out of it when returning it), and the fans splashed water all over the cam covers, enough for the holes to injest water into the spark plug holes. I know thats how the top portiong of the plugs got rusted...


but i dont water go into the combustion chamber.


Well one thing i should mention is that the tip tip part is not really green, its actually the white ceramic covering...you know that white part then the electrode...asldkfjasl;dkfj


if it was just addatives why arnt all the plugs green.


you might also have bad gass or water in the tank.


add some "Heat" addative to your tank and do a compression test.


Great sparkplugs and wires make a considerable difference when you run the qt mile compaired to just ok plugs and wires.


Probably your spark plug is turning into a hulk :) j/k


Not all spark plugs oxidize at the same rate. So if one of your spark plugs has turned green (oxidized), then sooner or later your other spark plugs will turn green. Probably just with age and it's time to replace the spark plugs.


Excessive oxidization could be a sign that you need to use a colder spark plugs.


well here's the kicker, their not that old. Maybe 2 months at least.


Try using a colder spark plugs then.


Replace the PCV valve if you have not replaced them for a long time. Malfunctioning PCV valve would cause the air/oil vapor to be pushed out of the PCV breather hose instead of just sucking air. Try using some "PCV Catch Can" as well to minimize oil from entering back into the intake system.


Do you have a CAI? Probably water is getting into the intake system.

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