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OBD II Chips, Where are they!?!?!

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I know a while back it was stated that a couple companies were working on OBD II chips for the LQ1, but does anyone know what came of these projects??? Is there a chip for sale yet, my search has yet to turn one up.


I'm pretty sure yours is OBD-I....being a 1995 model......supposedly a few Berettas where OBD-II in '95....but I haven't met one yet....perhaps the W line is different.


You also won't find a *chip* persay.....it would be considered a reflash. The old school way went out with MPFI back in '93.


Most if not all 95's were OBD1, and all that were OBD1 were the P4 style that had a MEMCAL and EPROM chip.


I thought 94 and 95 were the bastard OBD 1.5 years. I've got the connector under the dash, but grounding the pins will not let me recall codes, and when I've had the car scanned at Autozone they've had to use an OBD II scanner. So I assumed that I've got the dumb in between system with OBD I components and and OBD II brain.


For 94-95 cars, Hypertech, Fastchip, JET and Superchips all offer a chip "upgrade" for you.


But none of them offer more than 1whp worth of gain.


Here is a dyno comparison of all 4 vs the stock program: http://www.techvelocity.com/gtp/chip.htm


I'd only really look at one of these if you are desperate to get rid of your governor.




Judging froma few posts over on MyMonte, supposedly Sappy/Ben/Vegeta has had a 95 car up near him for testing and is working on a program for the OBD "1.5" cars. Judging by his 91-93 chips, his product should be a lot better, and definitely worth buying. He sells his stuff through FFP BTW.


Thanks Bigbuls, thats what I was looking for. I know a chip by them has been in the works for a while now, but I wasn't aware what ever became of the project. I guess I'll just keep my eyes peeled since there really is no point in wasting $150 to get rid of a governor which I've only hit once in my life.


94 and 95 are 100% OBD1, a more advanced version but OBD1 non-the-less down to the ALDL datastream. The only similarity to OBD2, and I mean ONLY, is that it uses OBD2 trouble codes.


The reason the paperclip doesn't work is because GM took away the feature in the ECM.


As for a "performance" chip, I'm not sure if there will be much power gain if at all using regular gasoline because of the way MAF works. Speed limiters, rev limiters, shift points, PE, etc are another story :P

shift points


THAT is a big one..............IF you are willing to push the tranny past it's "safe" limits (GM says max shift speeds for 60 and 65-E trannies are 6500 for 1-2, 6250 for 2-3 and 6K for 3-4.......................ideal shiftpoints for the LQ1 are ~7K 1-2, 6700-6800 for 2-3 and ~6500 for 3-4 going off the dyno charts I posted above and a few others I've seen).

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