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Finished STAGE 1 of porting my upper intake runners *PICS*

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well here are some pics of how it went:











The work done on these is very minimal and I realize that. THe next step would be to take off the lower intake manifold as well and port that too. The gasket showed TREMENDOUS casting flaws for the lower intake as well.


I also solved a problem putting the intake back on that i didn't realize. The plenum comes complete as TB and intake and at the corner of the TB, there is an opening for the EGR valve. I did not have the gaskets necesarry so what i did was use RTV high temp silicone sealer and a coke can =)


I cut a piece larger than the intake opening and sealed it shut using the RTV sealer. Likewise on the EGR valve itself, I just sealed that up too.


Bolted everything up and started her up....man the idle STAYED at like 900, 800 RPMS...usually the damn thing would dash to 1200RPM's then slowly climb down as the Idle Air Control valve compensated.



Also, here's the pic of the heads i just got in the mail: Gonna be fun!




Whats the plans for the heads? Shaved, P&P, valve job??? Should be something like mine.


I really don't see how porting can make jack for power.........considering the size of them.



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