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Tranmission troubles, day two of the aftermath. HELP!!!

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Ok, as some of you may have read, my transmission blew up. The likely hood of me finding a w car with a 282 is slim, not to mention the fact that I have a 94 which is the bitch year...so, my options are another 4t60e which nearly outnumber people around here, or my bike.


Would a 4t65e HD work??? What years of the 282 would work, and would the computer from that year work with my non obd 1? Thanks.


i know of a few berettas around here in yards that have 282s, look at newer cavs and bonfires, from what i hear their manual trannys are good. if you want to take a road trip to PA you could probably get one prety cheep


I would take a road trip, except my transmission is dead. dammit. :evil: :evil: :evil:


anybody know about the 4t65e?


If your going to go through the trouble of wiring a 4T65e to work with your car you may as well go with a manual. As previously mentioned, Getrag 282, 284, and 287 (cavlaier and sunfire trans) models will work.


If you've got a 3.1 you probably won't even have to worry much about upgrading the 287 as its rated for 180 ft. lbs. of torque. Plus if you do a search on http://www.UNeedAPart.com you can get a 287 super cheap. I got price quotes rangine from $250-375 for a complete unit including shifter assembly and clutch pedal. And those prices were shipped and out the door. A custom flywheel and some creative wiring may be needed though and thats where this theory falls apart for now, at least on my end.


What are the power ratings for the 282?

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