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NOT starting after checking codes!?

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OK...I've recently posted about a potential IAC problem that would cause my car not to start unless I gave it gas...and then it would run but the idle would be going crazy etc...eventually it would fix itself after a couple of re-starts...


NOW, it hasn't done this since Monday...and it only did it two other times within the past couple weeks...


Just a couple of minutes ago something dawned on me...each of the three times the car did this, I had checked the OBD Codes just prior...


Each time I would get home, pull into my drive-way, get out my paperclip to check the codes, read the codes, take the paperclip out...go inside for a few hours...come back out, and then "it" would happen...the engine wouldn't start!!??


It's almost like the ECM is losing it's knowledge of the IAC or something...but somehow checking the codes is the only thing that's making this happen?


Are these THREE times just a coincidence(I don't think so), or is my ECM really starting to do some crazy things...?




Thats kinda part of the problem I had. The difference is my computer had no codes. The problem ended up being the injectors. Mine is a 91 Cutlass with a 3.1.


Hmmm...that's strange...how in the hell could that translate into an injector problem???!! I don't really see the connection...




I got a reply from another Message Board and this is what they said:


The order that you do things when you check your trouble codes

may explain what's happening...


If you're grounding the ALDL before you turn the key on, you're

entering a diagnostic mode where the ECM commands the IAC to seat

the IAC pintle for purposes of checking the minimum idle speed.


The correct procedure for retrieving codes is to turn the

ignition on, then ground the ALDL.


I don't know about this though...kind of sounds like BS to me...because I've always, for the past 4 years, checked my codes by FIRST grounding the A&B of the ALDL...and it never happened back then...


Dunno, I always have the k/o when I connect the high tech "ALDL trouble code retrieving super low ohm, high output Paper Clip"

Guest Anonymous

The proper way is to turn the ignition on first though.


Why don't you get a computer and see what it does? Might fix all your problems. I'm sure someone on here has one or can get you one for a decent price.


We had a simular problem with my moms 92 Grand Prix. It started, then we drive it accross town, and it wouldn't start again. It ended up being the computer went south. It was gounding out the injectors causing them not to palse.


Take an Ohm meter and check your injectors. Pull one of the injector wires off, from one of the three that are easily accesable. Use the Ohm meter on the injector its self and the wiring connector. The injector should be in the 12ohm range. If you get OL on the wiring harness, then it is being gound out. Also check your fuel pressure, and check to see if you have any spark.

Pull one of the injector wires off, from one of the three that are easily accesable.


But don't I have to remove the Plenum to get at the injectors(on a 2.8)?

Guest Anonymous
Pull one of the injector wires off, from one of the three that are easily accesable.


But don't I have to remove the Plenum to get at the injectors(on a 2.8)?


Look on each end of the plenum. You can see at least one injector on each end.

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