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subframe bushings

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ok well the 2 subframe bushings on the passenger front side are both completely gone..i need to know where i can get 2 of them and possibly the prices of them...and if anyone knows how to install them, like how difficult it is..any and all help id appreciate

Guest Gp crazy

NOT FUN! unless you have an air gun and a Large heat source like a torch not propane something like oxy, setaline torch +some time! & if they break while in motion that's bad so get them fixed ASAP. it only takes one bump or one time on hard on the gas to break them off


I have got one that need's to be replaced soon or go to the Gm dealer and see if it's covered under a recall there is one out there have them run the vin code that will tell them if the car has had this done before & it may only cover the back two bolts NOT ALL 4!


good luck spray bolts with pb blaster for a while then try! not responsible for any fires that may acour :shock:


ok damn that sucks ithought id would be alot easier, it looks like there two in the font part and to in the rear part of it, im missing the bottom on on the front and the rear, oh yeah how can i find out the recall info??


I got mine loose today without much trouble with the help of a 1/2 breaker bar and a jack handle......and yes, mine are tore up too.......in fact, one of the metal washers was is nearly rusted through. Not so safe.


ouch yeah mine not that bad where did you get replacement bushings at, i cant find them anywhere, and i dont wanna pay maid money for them from a dealer


Sounds like you haven't even been to the dealer to price them.......and at least have them run the VIN........there *might* be a recall on them.....IIRC, my 88 Cutlass did............if yours does, that means they are replaced for FREE.

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