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The Time I was quoted was from the guy running the gun...I ain't no mechanic. As for the wing and exhaust.....you don't have to drive it. I just didn't want mine to look like the other 2.8 million on here, sorry for not wanted a clone like the rest.

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For the lost people: http://www.w-body.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15955


Okay, so you say you want to be different.. yet you throw a fartcan and huge wing on just like 80 million other ricers. Congratulations, you're really different now! Domestic rice is great.


Secondly you're saying you're pulling quarter mile times of almost flat 14's at 104 MPH. Hm.. All I see done to your car is a cone filter. Unless you can post some sort of timeslips, I'm calling BS because to me, you're nothing more than a ricer right now. So, take your fucking ugly wing and mufflers off and run your car once more and get a goddamn 'slip. It's not that hard to scan it, and you won't look like an idiot.

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Ok, the exhaust I can deal with.. but that wing... holy hell, I'm almost speechless. How can you possibly think that looks good? May as well go to the local Ace Hardware store and buy an outdoor porch bench and bolt it to your trunk. God damn. :roll:


Edit. Now that I look at it again, can you even see out of your rear window??

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As for the wing and exhaust.....you don't have to drive it.


Thank the lord for that! :lol:


BTW, my car more unique than yours. :P

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Porch bench....thats priceless....ya, i can have a picnic on the rear deck. Yes I can see out the window fine. As for the "performance" readings, I am simply quoting the time relayed to me. I am not a NASCAR official, nor a trap time certification specialist (unlike the rest of ya). The guy could tell me it went 450 mph @ 2.8 sec how should I know....Uh I was drivin...I don't know from nothing. I said just that I DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT CARS. Thats why I came here in the first place, to find out the real goods. All I have had unfortunately is ridicule and insults. If you don't like me or my car ....fine. I don't know what to do to make it go vrooom I just try what "knowledge" I can from people who may have an idea. To bad there wasn't more offered in the way of performance tips instead of so many put down and comments about how their ride is far superior.

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Ok, just what makes it more unique ?


The addition of krylon painted interior panels or just the fact that it's yours ?

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Personally, I think that vader wing is hideous on any car. I would get rid of it and go with at least a single plane wing.


You wouldn't happen to have a build sheet for it would you? Guys in the assembly line usually stuff them wherever they want to, so it could be practically anywhere.

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Maybe Canadian time slips are only 2/3 of US time slips.

That way a 14 second time would actually be a 21...

A big wing would probably cost about 5 seconds.

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You guys need to lay off the man. So what if he exagerates, you know its BS and can be satisfied with such a conclusion, so why does the point have to be forced. Do you get pleasure out of making people eat their own words.


The guy is here, just like the rest of us, for one reason only. He has pride in his ride and wants to do what he can to make it look nice. Now I'm not going to say that his wing and the coffee cans riding shotgun are by any means tasteful or something I would do to my ride, but to each his own. If thats what he likes, and if he wants to believe that it adds horse power, more power to him. At least he can ride around town feeling good about what he drives and knows a little more than your average W-Body owner. Ten to one he's probably just in the process of learning about cars/performance, and as far as any high schooler knows fart cans do add 50 hp. I'm sure however sooner or later he'll come around just like the rest of you did and realize that tuning a car involves a lot more than strapping on an exhuast and a cone filter.


Lets try to be a little less condescending eh?

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Wheee.. and the hits just keep on comin'. My Prix with the busted hood, front end, and headlights would beat your staggered Cutty in a drag. Hell, I'd like to see you run against a Plymouth Horizon! You'd fucking lift off. Lean back, and prepare for takeoff!


You have been ambigouous about your Vin # since you came here, and the story you told us reeks of :bs: so if you want people to believe you're not full of it, I suggest posting some actual proof, like your Vin #, rather than pictures of penile implants that have no purpose other than to show that one's genitals are smaller than they appear.

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Davis...first off, well said!!


Secondly...This site has a lot of motorheads on it. Some people on here have spent YEARS doing research on 3.4's and W's in general. True, you might be getting the impression that we are saying your full of shit, which you could be, but just SHOW PROOF!


You do realize that if you were to just put down a time slip, or even post a VIN that is real (yeah good one there...) that people would never say a bad word to you!! It's not rocket science.


God...my cutlass would pull a 1/4 in about 16.999 seconds, if I was lucky, and I would never say I even had a 15.1 w/out proof.


If your gonna come here and just make up bullshit claims so you have a "rare" or "special" car....then I don't think we need you here. But if you come here showing up PROOF of your special or rare car, then WE WELCOME YOU.


Until then...go cook some rice.

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I posted the vin # and all I got from the feedback was that someone called carfax couldn't find it. I copied it right off the plate in the windshield AND cross referenced it with my insurance card. I'm sorry but thats it. On another ? does anyone know where i could find a list of available options from GM for the 1993 model year ?

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I posted the vin # and all I got from the feedback was that someone called carfax couldn't find it. I copied it right off the plate in the windshield AND cross referenced it with my insurance card.


Carfax isn't a person, it's a website that looks at the histories of vehicles (floods, wrecks, etc). Scan your insurance card or something, anything.

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All i say is take off the damn wing!! NO car looks good with that. I would have preserved that car since it was a sort of rare item it being a Olds/GM test car

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does anyone know where i could find a list of available options from GM for the 1993 model year ?


Your best bet would probably be to get your RPO codes from in the trunk and compare them to the list on the site. That would tell you exactly what is in your car. Not that you can't just look in there and find out, but it's still neat.

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You know I have to say I wasn't going to get into this but I just happened to run into Uniquedreamz this afternoon. He came flying up behind me as I was headed out of the city and I guess he expected me to race triple digits in town when I was already going 10 over. I payed no attention to him cause I wasn't going to waste the fuel or my license on that crap but he insisted he double the speed limit through heavy edmonton traffic in true riceboy fashion, I would guess he won even though we were going in two different directions and weren't even racing.


So I would have to agree with the other members. That wing just doesn't fit that car or any car for that matter, but you are free to do with you're car as you wish cause that's the only reason to do it. It does sound and look to be fairly quick but I would have to see papers to believe it, cause it's not that easy to get these cars into that range.

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I'm sorry if you thought I was trying to race anyone (haven't even wanted to go racin since I was told how much of a POS my gutless is) I don't even know who you are or what you drive :? So how could I be wanting a race? As for double digits, I was probably screaming the kids to soccer. You should gas up at the station just north of WEM wed, fri, sat,sun they have fuel specials ( today 88 cents a liter for 91 oct). Oh and I run a 360 degree whistler for the licence part 8)

I put the wing on consignment today at the rice shop. Not that it matters, but the only reason I even went with that wing is because I won it on E-bay for a penny. (I know most of ya think I paid too much) even with professional install and shipping/exchange , I still got less than $100 bucks into it. So I put it up for sale and am going to use the proceeds to have the windows tinted 2.5% from mirror to mirror.

* Point of Interest for W-body owners in or near Edmonton*

I found it near impossible to find someone to tint the windows due to that horrendious bend both bottom and sides of the rear window. ( had quotes as high as $600 just for the rear, even had guys tell me they had to take it out to do it right) MalcolmsTinting in Edmonton will do the whole car (mirror to mirror) for $325 and the rear is done ONE piece noseams all heat treated/shrunk and life warranty for bubbles and fade.

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you're still going to get a ticket driving like that, no matter what kind of radar detector you have. most of the time, they just don't work


at 100 mph, a radar detector isn't going to give you much time to slow down, even if it goes off at all.


i hope you get pulled over, and i hope your license is suspended. people who drive like you shouldn't be driving. if you're gonna speed 5 or 10 over the limit, fine. we all do. but NO ONE should drive that fast on public roads


if you want to drive fast, take your "3.4 HO" to the track, and post an actual timeslip, not bull shit.

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