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Weird ratteling and puffing sound


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Ok just this morning as i was moving my car i noticed the RPMS kicking up a lil to 1000 and falling back to 800 or so. It was doing this every 10 seconds then i get out to the rear of my car and by the exauhst pipe i put my hand by the tip of it and it was maming a put put sound every 10 seconds as it did inside my car. Anyone have any idea wats going on can it be the catalyst converter is getting cloged ?

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You can tell much by putting your hand up to the tail.

If it is regular, and you can feel a puff at the pipe, and you can see your tach, I would bet it has to be fuel delivery.

Maybe some restriction (such as a filter) or a pump that cannot keep up for some reason or another.

Take the chaep and obvious first in the filter, and then check your pump connections. If still doing it take a close look at replacing the pump.

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If you still think your catalytic converter might be to blame, hit it w/ a rubber hammer/mallet(not hard, but hard enough to shake it basically), if you hear stuff(catalyst material) rattling inside it, the cat needs to be replaced because the broken catalyst can cause a restriction in the exhaust system.

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