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anyone have a TurboXS Type-H RFL ?

Guest TurboSedan

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Guest TurboSedan

well my brother finally got his TurboXS BOV flange today. he already had the BOV and the custom 2.75" intercooler piping already had the flange welded to it, so all he had to do was screw on the TurboXS flange to the welded on BOV flange, then install the BOV. after that he put the grainger valve in and adjusted it to the point that it hit 9psig and creeped to 10psig.........


WHOA :) :D previously he would hit 5psi and creep very very VERY slowly to about 9psig if you really got on the throttle under heavy load for quite awhile. i think it's safe to say his Omni GLH is a little quicker than my Lebaron GTS now!


anywayz - i really like how this thing sounds! anyone have one on a TGP? i have a 1g DSM BOV on my Lebaron, and it is constantly making noise while i drive; it's constantly making swish noises or whistling along at part throttle....which is cool and all, but very very noticable to people outside the car. the TurboXS BOV on my brother's Omni seems to be totally quiet @ part throttle, yet it is definately more noticeable when it does vent...the venting noise sounds alot different than the 1g DSM BOV. i have an extra 1g DSM BOV for my TGP engine sitting in my garage, but i might just go with a TurboXS instead. the 1g DSM BOV does sound cool, but it is just constantly making noise (altho not 'loud') even while cruising @ part throttle....not exactly something i like. i like RFLs, but i also want it quiet at part throttle...

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I have that same type of sound from my 1G, on the TGP. I think it's started to leak uptop as well. (Either that or my turbo is about to take a shit :shock: ) I've been considering what to go w/ because I would like to keep the 1G flange, and keep it where it is on the upper I/C pipe. But most of the aftermarket ones are pretty long. I guess we will see when it comes time. :wink:

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Guest TurboSedan

i think i'm going to get another BOV gasket, and swap on the spare 1g DSM BOV that is sitting in my garage, just to help eliminate the possibility of it leaking. altho, when i go to WOT, i never hear the BOV.


btw, i *think* the BOV is more noticeable @ part throttle just due to the fact that i'm using a grainger valve. since the wastegate is completely shut until the preset 12psi i have it dialed in for, ALL of the exhaust gas is used to spin the turbo until that preset 12psi. IOW, the turbo is pushing more boost than the throttle plate allows, thereby opening the BOV....does that make sense?


does a BOV open only on a vacuum signal from the manifold or does it operate on a pressure diffrential? cuz mine definately opens at part throttle and if the boost is < 12psi.....but ONLY if the throttle plate isn't open enough to 'accept' what the turbo is pushing. which is nice really, because i suppose i might have problems with surging if it didn't do that. hmmmm... :think:

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Although I don't know much about the stock 1G, most have a spring that regulates how much vacuum it takes to close it. But yes, if there is vacuum it is open. Which is why you need a filter on the BOV. Most of the time we are under vacuum, so air is being sucked in. Bypass is different, but you get the idea. I hear mine alot under part throttle, and it sounds neat-o.

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