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Yeah, it's really cool when I start up my car and take off in the mornings, and have to get on the highway. I always floor it right as I turn onto the onramp, kind of a launch to prepare for I-75, which can be a madhouse during certain times of the day.


Anyway, my friend and I were getting on I-75 to go to route 4, on our way to McDonalds after I worked at the station last night. I had the tunes cranking, I believe the song was "I Can't Explain" by the Who. So I wasn't really paying attention to my motor. I floored it on the onramp like I always do, and BAM, first gear, baby.


Except when I got up around 6500 RPM, there was no jolt into second gear. Instead I felt and heard the engine bouncing between 7000 and 6500. I was stuck at about 45 MPH, now on a highway where 55 is the speed limit. Not the low limit, even though the sign says that is 45, most people go about 65-70 on this road.


I have this problem whenever it's cold. I usually have to warm up my engine at least a half-hour before I can drive it on the highway, otherwise I'm stuck in second gear, unless I make the mistake of flooring it hard, and then I get stuck in first.


I don't know if it's an individual throttle valve. My detent cable (kickdown cable) has been replaced by me, so that cable is not sticking. I can definitely feel the pedal get really light when it sticks, like I have a 4T60E, rather than a 4T60.


Any questions I'll try to answer, any suggestions would be most appreciated. I don't really want my 170,000+ mile engine throwing a rod at 7000 RPM because my transmission has sand in it's vagina.

Guest Gp crazy

When is the last time the fluid & filter were changed? You did say that you turn onto the ON RAMP is left or right maybe the fluid is on one side or the other but not where should be ! Mybe it's on it's way out :( When you drive normal what does it do? Notice shift points and firmness of the shift. no SES light? if the fluid is clean & clear & does not smell like it's burned up then i have no idea. just a some thoughts jeff b


Hmm... I remember hearing somewhere that before the tranny warms up, it may not shift properly.


Off topic, but i know what you mean about I-75 being a madhouse sometimes. I hate going through dayton after 2 in the afternoon.


i had the same problem with my grand am. i had just changed the tranny and it worked fine for about 3 days then it did the same thing your explaining, so i drove it really really hard trying to break up the glaze that i figured was in there. and finally after i pulled it down a side road and reverse dropped it and i mean going 25 -30 km/h in reverse it worked fine i havent had a problem shifting. now i dont recomend you go and do this because i will feel bad if you break your tranny. change your fluid and filter and add some lucas and go from there, always start with the cheaper things.



i had the same problem with my grand am. i had just changed the tranny and it worked fine for about 3 days then it did the same thing your explaining, so i drove it really really hard trying to break up the glaze that i figured was in there. and finally after i pulled it down a side road and reverse dropped it and i mean going 25 -30 km/h in reverse it worked fine i havent had a problem shifting. now i dont recomend you go and do this because i will feel bad if you break your tranny. change your fluid and filter and add some lucas and go from there, always start with the cheaper things.




I've actually put Lucas in it, as well as a fluid and filter change. For awhile I had a constant fluid change going as both my axle seals were leaking. I replaced them, and haven't leaked a drop yet.

i had the same problem with my grand am. i had just changed the tranny and it worked fine for about 3 days then it did the same thing your explaining, so i drove it really really hard trying to break up the glaze that i figured was in there. and finally after i pulled it down a side road and reverse dropped it and i mean going 25 -30 km/h in reverse it worked fine i havent had a problem shifting. now i dont recomend you go and do this because i will feel bad if you break your tranny. change your fluid and filter and add some lucas and go from there, always start with the cheaper things.




You're the same guy that thinks his GTP has 265hp with nothing more than retimed cams, a little match porting and an exhaust though.............



good day!


:? How is this worth posting?


Does anybody have any real advice? I've got a coupon to have Independent Transmission check and maintain my transmission for $17.95, so I think I'm gonna do that. If anyone else can think of anything, I'd be appreciative.


Try popping the goverenor out and cleaning it as well as checking to see if it is stuck. I have had the same problem in two different 700r4's and both have had governor problems.


like Biff85ta said, it could be the govenor in the trans causing problems, if the springs are sticking.


also, Lucas oil/trans products are bad* for cars, I've seen them destroy more engine's and transmissions then any other product.


I'd recomend going to a jiffy lube and havin' them flush your transmission, and then make sure you pay for it, because it sounds like it's on the way out, and if they work on it, and it dies right away, they get to buy you a new trans. altho there's a chance that it may just end up fixing your issues.




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