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Getting Shanequa running...

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After all I did buy the GP from BIGBULS (transaction still to be completed [the title doesn't have my name yet :P ].....but money has changed hands).


-Thrusday, we head down to go get the car running.........right now we know it has a obvious miss, needs the line from the fuel pump to filter replace (big hole in braided end) and needs a set of tires put on (they are already bought).


Its sitting on a piece of grass with not a decent place to work in sight....we tow it (25 miles on gravel) to my friends garage to wrench on it.


Take the wheels off and haul them to work (a Chevrolet dealership) to mount and balance.........mind you, this car does NOT have ABS and BIGBULS was traveling at a high rate of speed one day when a slow ass van pulled into his lane without using his turn signal...........left around a 700' mark.....it took 8 seconds at 60 mph to cover the mark. The left front wheel was the only one to lock. It (the tire) was well and truly done. Picked up a new battery.....the old one was DONE.


With the new tires (Kuhmo 711 245/50/16s) on the car we dropped the front of the tank to replace the line. Car starts up with the miss we knew about........drive it up town to get gas (big hole in line + a few min running = no gas)..........ran out half way.........a gas can gets it running again......except it now runs rough....we are thinking the fuel filter is plugged from the varish in the tank (it sat for two years).......this is at 9 pm........we peg leg it into town.......which caused the cat and about 3' of pipe to glow bright red.


We park it for the night and go home.


-Friday we come armed with two new fuel filters.......a fresh one and it pops right off. Run to the gas station to fill up, dump some Seafoam in to take care of the varnish......and head for the interstate........about a half mile the car runs like shit again. God damn it.


We start looking for other problems.......we pull off the black "Twin Dual Cam V6" cover thingy and find a HUGE mouse nest..........the silly fucks ate the insulation off 3 off the six front wires. We cannot see the rears at this point.


So we head off to find a new harness........I stop by the dealership to price a new harness.........doesn't exsist. Off to the junkyards........I went to like 4......no 91-93 3.4 DOHCs........leaves one yard.....which is closed.


-Saturday, the last yard has a '92 GP SE 3.4 DOHC.......black too yet.....I think I might grab the hood, DIC, and HUD.....anyways......I take the harness, plug wires, black cover, and a vaccum line.........$40.


We pull off the upper intake manifold on the 91.........yep, underneath it's full of mouse nest too.......in fact the #3 injector is completely eaten off.....looks like the source of the miss. So......they had insulation off #1, #2, #4 with #3 being completely eaten off........how did the car run.....even for the little bit?


We get all the new parts installed and start it up.......still misses (later find out one of the newer wires is fucked)......but it runs.......I drive it around a bit, all fine. Head out towards the interstate........yep, it dies. Do a test for spark.....none.


So......the car will start and run normally until it warms up.......the it dies......looses ALL spark. We had ZERO spark from ALL the coil packs. Well, the odds of all coil packs not firing at the same time and failing the same way is small.........ignition control module is bad. A new one is $140 my cost (or through GMPD). We leave it in the town of John Wayne's birth........a cookie if you can name the town.


-Sunday....a guy at work (I work Sun-Wed, 7-530)has a module (and coils) from a 90 J body......the part numbers say they'll match up, and his is "good".


I get off work and start pulling off the module........what a fun job, the starter and oil filter are off.....and a broke the oil pressure sender off. I still can't get the coil packs off......3-4 bolts are out.....there is one somewhere.......it just got to dark for me to work.


I went home.....where I typed a long as report on my weekend. So if anyone wants to come to the middle of Iowa to swap coil packs on a 3.4 DOHC 5 speed in the middle of a parking lot with hand tools for zero wage.....please PM me.




I found it very easy to change my igniton control module and coil packs. i didnt even have to take off the starter or oil filter, and it only took me 1.5 hours.




wow, rats nest!! we need pics!!


To take off the ign. module and coil packs DO NOT remove all the 3 bolts holding the whole thing as an assembly cuz it will be a pain in the nuts...


easiest thing is remove all the bolts from the coil packs...2 bolts, 1 on top one on the bottom of each coil = 6 bolts...BOOM! off come the coils and Ign. module...replace by doing the same thing.


Wow, rats in a DOHC....wow.... :x


Well.....mice....but yeah.....sucky. I really don't know how the car ran with about 3.4647 injectors. Good thing is I know of a pretty good parts car now.


I guess I never thought of just pulling the coil packs off the mount..........duh. We'll do that.


I'm used to working on 3x00s..............coil packs are on TOP. Whoever thought coil packs on the bottom of the motor was a good idea needs to be shot.......there really isn't much of advantage to having them mounted down there (other than for clearance with the GM strut tower brace :) )...........right under the exhaust manifold and right next to the block..........so much heat, oil, water, and road grime.


Well.. my coil packs are down there too.. and I just realized that they're just hanging there, not bolted down.. whoever installed the 2.8 in my car the second time (it was a junkyard engine, the first blew) didn't do a good job...

I need to get Shakalakaraka running.


The car was named Shanequa (not by me) because shes big, fat, black and cranky.........the description seems to fit......so why not?


Got a new (well, used, but works properly) ignition control module on..........motor still dies after reaching operating temp.......I have no spark from any of the coils when it dies......when the motor is running, everything is normal (proper idle, no misses).....it does seem a bit down on power, but I'd expect that out of a car that sat for 2 years.


Perhaps a crank sensor? ECM? Anybody?


Also......I have a '92 GP SE 3.4 DOHC/Auto near me.............is the ECM and chip interchangeable?


my guess is that the reason that your car dies when it reaches operating temp is that you have a bad crank sensor or a bad wire running from the sensor to the ignition control module. i had the excact same identical problem with my GTP, i had changed the crankshaft postion sensor and one of the pins had gotten a little bent that plugged into the sensor so i bent it back and twisted the wire really tight and plugged it back in and boom it ran perfect! try that wire first and if that doesnt work then change the sensor. only bad thing is to change the sensor you have to drop the oil pan. and im not sure if you have to drop the subframe or not because i just changed mine when i changed the clutch which requires the subframe to be dropped. anyways good luck i know how much of a pain in the ass it is to have it die when it warms up.




You have to drop the pan?


Weird........cause on the 3x00s its just pull the crank pulley off.....haven't done one on a 2.8/3.1 yet.


yes the 3.4 DOHC has the crank sensor going through the block on the back of it. right above the oil pan . and you have to pop it out with a screwdriver from the inside of the oil pan or unless you can drive a screw into the sensor and put some pliers on it and yank it out. but this would be impossible if done on an automatic. the 2.8l and the 3.1l have a crank sensor in the same location and a second one under the crank pulley.




So is there a tone ring of sorts on the crankshaft that the sensor reads off?


Thankfully enough I have a manual if it comes to that point.

So is there a tone ring of sorts on the crankshaft that the sensor reads off?


Thankfully enough I have a manual if it comes to that point.

Bingo!! And good luck!


the Rats-in-a-DOHC is a true story i pulled the "Twin Dual Cam" cover on my brothers z34 and some little SOB at one point decided he wanted a nest there. good ol shop vac took care of THAT problem :twisted:


Some asshole got the bright idea to break the driver's side window out.......which when the cops took notice of this, they towed it beings it didn't have current license or registration. The only thing missing from the car is a coat........all my tools, 2 1/2 ton jack, stands, cd player, and all the rest of the shit where still in the car.


Anyways.....now I have to pay $65 to get the car back.....that includes $10 for a full days worth of parking as the officer on call would only release the car until we talked to him.........he works from 11-7.......at NIGHT. BIGBULS explained to him what the deal was and we have permission to go get the car........we are loading the bitch onto a trailer and getting towed the fuck back to Ames (its approx 50 min away from my apartment in Ames).

Some asshole got the bright idea to break the driver's side window out.......which when the cops took notice of this, they towed it beings it didn't have current license or registration. The only thing missing from the car is a coat........all my tools, 2 1/2 ton jack, stands, cd player, and all the rest of the shit where still in the car.


Anyways.....now I have to pay $65 to get the car back.....that includes $10 for a full days worth of parking as the officer on call would only release the car until we talked to him.........he works from 11-7.......at NIGHT. BIGBULS explained to him what the deal was and we have permission to go get the car........we are loading the bitch onto a trailer and getting towed the fuck back to Ames (its approx 50 min away from my apartment in Ames).


Sorry to hear that. :(


As well as a '88 Cutlass..............the glass looks like it should work.......anyone know for sure?


when you replace the window be sure to get all the busted glass out of the door it will haunt you later if you don't. someone at one point in time broke my pass window and years later glass is still falling out the bottom and getting caught in my ground effects


A friend of mine from school had a Blazer come in through the door the other day............exact same problem I am having...........the first module he put on he didn't use dieletric grease.........same problem.......a new module through parts warranty and a bit of dieletric grease and it was out the door. I guess new modules are cheap through aftermarket auto parts stores........I'll throw a new one at it and see what happens.


Found the signal wire from the O2 sensor broke off on the car's harness........going to fix that.......even though it is an unheated O2 sensor, I doubt it has any major factor in the runs for till warm problem......maybe I'm wrong.


when its cold it has spark but when its warm it has no spark...... when it dies check to see if you hear the fuel pump....... min edid that and i had a bad Fuel Pump that would get hot and short out.


How does fuel pump have anything to do with not having spark?


Well.....replaced tyhe ignition module today.........didn't fix it........all signs point towards to crank sensor (which you fellows said from the get go).......which looks like CAKE to install. But, the part store is closed for the night.....tomorrow will have to do.


Also.....found out the oxygen sensor signal wire was ate off approx 1/4" from the connector.......on the harness side of the car......a new pigtail from GM was also put on today. I know this wouldn't of fixed it, but it needed it.


So far it seems this forum is pretty good for general 3.4 DOHC knowledge.......just as long as I steer away from the Racing Section....

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