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W-Body Pain and suffering


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So, we got both TGP's sitting next to each other in my sis's driveway. Starting swapping parts from the good body/bad motor, to the good motor/bad body. My god are the body parts on these things a pain in the f-ing ass to work on. We are swaping the front and rear bumpers, radiators, condensors, intercoolers, Headlight header panal, rims. Those bumpers are just plain rediculous. I guess its the B4U maybe, but it took us (2 people working constantly on the 2) 5 hours to swap the rear bumpers, and just to get 1 off the front 2 off. What were they thinking by hiding those bolts all over the damn place. Any one have any sugestions or tips on this. We could use all we can get........


P.S. - We are not selling any peices off these cars. Once we get the body parts swapped over, the bad motor one gets shipped to Virginia to get rebuilt. and the good motor one goes into the body shop to be repainted, core supprt straightened out, and the rear B4U rear bumper fixed.... Sorry...

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the rear ones are a pain in the ass cause you have to tilt the bumper and line it up at the same time the front one was easy on my cutlass. but the rear bumper took me about 4 hours to get that bitch on my cutlass. for being so damn heavy the rear bumpers are weak as hell i hope my tip helps you some what but i'm not sure it will :confused:

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I am doing something similar with my CUtty, changing bumpers, door, interior parts from a 1992 CS int to my 1988 CS base model and changing lights, bumpers and the rest takes too long and part with a lot of hidden bolts i will agree on it too,.

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you should get some pics up when your done. by the way, i noticed pontiac6ksteawd, in your sig, a 03 volvo with 356k miles???


probably a volvo truck

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you should get some pics up when your done. by the way, i noticed pontiac6ksteawd, in your sig, a 03 volvo with 356k miles???


probably a volvo truck


ahh makes sense, never heard of a 770 car

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you should get some pics up when your done. by the way, i noticed pontiac6ksteawd, in your sig, a 03 volvo with 356k miles???


Yea, its a Volvo 770 Semi Truck with a 14.0 Liter Cummins Turbo Deisel pushing 600 HP and 2200 Foot lbs of Tourque.

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Yea, its a Volvo 770 Semi Truck with a 14.0 Liter Cummins Turbo Deisel pushing 600 HP and 2200 Foot lbs of Tourque.


2200 foot lbs :shock:

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Yea, its a Volvo 770 Semi Truck with a 14.0 Liter Cummins Turbo Deisel pushing 600 HP and 2200 Foot lbs of Tourque.


2200 foot lbs :shock:


Yep, thats what it takes to move 40 tons (80,000 lbs). And cars are always wondering why we drive slow up hills, love to see one of them try to pull that much weight up a hill...

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Alright, got all the body parts finnaly swapped. That was a god damned nightmare.... Never again. Next time it needs work, it goes to the dealer or to Jeff M.... So the 89 TGP is sold, 350 bucks. and the 90 is almost done. As soon as we got all the body parts swapped, the fuel pump went out damnit :lol: . So now its just a matter of getting the x-over pipe off, sent to Jeff M. and have him make a 195 chip. Replace the condensor and the drier, paint it, oh yea the fuel pump 2, and it will be one sweet ride. BTW, I didnt know a hood off a mini-quad front end would fit on the older style clips. But it does work. We stuck a hood from a 94 GTP on the 89 TGP, fit like a glove, hood lined up, closed perfectly, and it had those mini louvers that arent functional, but will be with a little work... So thats the update from St Louis. Need someone to host some pics.. any volenteers?

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Whats your email limit, or do you have one. will have about 20-50 pics. No I aint gonna post em all up here at once. I was hoping to link em, that way ppl can look if they want, and not if the dont.

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