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1989 GP SE Fuel Pump?

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(Sorry in advance for the length)


I have an 1989 Grand Prix SE 3.1 I have had this problem for a while but just have been letting it go because it was not bothering me. I noticed it about 3 months ago, when I turned the car off the fuel pump would be humming in the gas tank for the most part for about 30sec after I turned the car off. But sometimes as long as 10 min. Also when I was below 1/4 tank of gas and take a real hard turn at about 25mph or higher the car would stall or hesitate(thank the world for starting in neutral) . Also below a 1/4 tank the humming was real laud. So I have been keeping over a half tank of gas in there ever since I noticed. But now gas is $2.11 a gallon for reg. I am thinking of investing in a new pump now, so I can ride E for a while with less worry. Another thing I just checked to see is if it humms while it is running, it will humm while running but only after a long (at least 20min) ride. So I wanted to know If anyone else has had this experience, and also if you think I have the correct diagnosis. Also It look easy to drop the tank, has anyone here done a fuel pump an a GP that can tell me how long it took and if there were any tricks i should know





(sorry again for the long ass message)


The pump could be on its way out, when you change it also check out the strainer/pickup assembly and see if everything checks out. Removing the tank isn't too hard, just disconnect the lines, fill tube, etc....electrical harness, then the 2 straps that hold it on- remove the front two bolts (keep the tank supported with a jack) then slowly lower the jack down. If you think the exhaust will be in the way, just remove the bolts to the muffler hangers and it will drop just enough.

Guest Gp crazy

you could change the fuel filter and see if there is a diffrence in sound.

of course you could kill the pump by doing this :( But you could save some time by doing this. it's up to you ?


It sounds like a dying pump to me and if you change it be careful if your lines are rusted. When changing the pump on my cutty a piece of rust got in the line and wrecked the pressure regulator on the rail. Long story but it sucked!!!


:? my cutlass's fuel pump humms sometimes but only after driving for over 50 miles :?



Do you think that I can get my fuel filter off without having to get new lines? It is a Buffalo car (every car here is rusted bad) the lines are rusted pretty bad but I only make $8.00/hr. so after bills the car does not get all that it needs. I would like to keep this project cheap, also how could changing my filter damage my pump? I just spent $327 doing my own custom 2.5 inch exhaust including a new 2.5 inch cat. It looks and sounds real nice. All mandrel bent tubing, all Stainless, all welded, no clamps at all and I ceramic coated it in red. It will most likely out last the car, but the car did only just hit 60,000 miles. I am thinking of selling the exhaust system I made to other W-Body owners as a kit. it all bolted up in the factory locations with the factory hangers welded on I could post pics if anyone is interested. Anyway back to my fuel filter and pump. let me know if you have changed a fuel filter on a really rusty fuel line and if the line broke or not so I can make a decision on to wait for my next paycheck to do the lines, pump, and filter all at once.


thanks again,



sorry again, it got long

Guest Gp crazy

spray the bolts that hold up the tank and the each end of the filter. try to do this for a few days get under the car & locate everything then spray with BLASTER or equilvent. if they are rusty like mine are i been spraying them for a while now & i hope mine come out easy with no beakage.

is your 89 a 5 speed ? or an auto ?


If you're just changing the filter, remember to relieve fuel pressure by removing the fuel pump relay (on the driver's strut tower) and letting it run and die, or just cranking it.


I was in my automotive class last fall with the fuel filter right in front of my face, and I turned the wrench the next to last time to remove the side of one fuel line, and fuel sprayed all over the place, just as I moved my head.


Hi again,

Does anyone know of a High flow fuel pump for the 3.1? Also would it be a waste of money to get one? Also someone said before that changing my fuel filter now might kill my pump... How could it do that?


Thanks again,


you could change the fuel filter and see if there is a diffrence in sound.

of course you could kill the pump by doing this :( But you could save some time by doing this. it's up to you ?

Does anyone know of a High flow fuel pump for the 3.1?


Here's a link for the Walbro High Volume fuel pump from INTENSE Racing. This is the pump recommended when you do an L67 (Supercharged 3800 Series II) swap:




I'm certain that it would work in your car, since many people who have done the swap have older W-Bodies. You don't need to do the motor swap if you just want the fuel pump, btw...

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