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puttin z34 bumpers on a euro


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ok i got some z34 gfx off toastyghost and i was wondering if someone has a list of tools or whatever else i might need to swap the bumpers grill and put on skirts

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there are no special tools needed, just the basic stuff. take off the old and put on the new, that's pretty much about it. it's not too difficult but just time consuming.

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Can it be done in an aftrernoon? Because I am gettin one myself, and its already black, so it's goin on as soon as I get it, lol.. Then the rest of "Project: Euro SS" gets under way, lmao :lol:

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Well not knowing what I was doing, I took me most of the winter to do mine. I worked on it when I had time cause my car was stored. The bumpers are bolted on plus they have those plastic clamps as well that hold it down. As for the side skirts, they bolt down as well, plus there is special glue from Razzi that needs to go on. I haven't got that far yet as to put the side skirts on cause you should paint them before you install them...so I'm waiting for that. I was so impressed that the bumpers are interchangeable between the two trim levels. Sucks the Euro's never came with groundeffects.

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i got the front on it took about 2-3 hours including removing the old one i dont have any holes for the skirts to bolt to i guess ill just have to make some

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i guess im just fast........ i had my front bumper on in 25 minutes....



speed tip #1 - just take off the corner lamps and take out the wiring and take headlight panel out whole.

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beware you're going to have to work with the exhaust some because your muffler is not close enough to the corner of the bumper. I have the same problem right now.

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wow you guys are making want to get another lumina and put on some Z34 bumpers on. My 2 Door looks like syk's did at first but mine is more rusted (previous owner used it as a workhorse) My Euro isn't worth the money to dress up. But if anybody has Z34 bumpers for sale let me know I might sale my euro for another 2 door, that's why I used razzi after market shikts for my 4 door couldn't find Z34 bumpers :cry:

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Switching a front facia isn't a very difficult process, just time consuming if you've never done it before. There are lots of hidden nuts and bolts you have to get to. You should be able to do it in an afternoon.

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i didnt use the turn signals from my euro i got the ones that came off the z34....



as for the exaust i hope it fits cause i have a 40 series flow with a pretty big tip

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That Euro looks so much better. I didn't realize it is a 2-door. When it's finished you'll look just like a Z34. Do you have any performance mods in mind?

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btw......... your inner signals fit behind the grille right?? the 90 only lights.


90 only euro turn signals fit into the Z34 grille??

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alright cool, thanks. I really dont like having my turn signal bulbs just sitting behind the grille, looks real dumb, especially at night. Ive gotten alot of crap cause people cant see the signals going til theyre close up during the day :lol:

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