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Occasional Starting problem... Please Help!


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OK. This problem just started the other day. I have a 93 Lumina 3.1L. Every once in a while, without warning the car will not start. I turn the key and it chimes and the guages move and the radio comes on but the car will not crank over. I can here a clicking sound like the relay is clicking, but that's it. If I keep turning the key enough times, it will finally start, just as sudden as it stopped? What is the problem here, possilble starter relay, if so where is this?

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I would have to add that its sounds like your starter. i was thinking that it could be the battery, because of the clicking noise. I would hook a volt meter up to the starter and make sure the connections are not all gummed up with corrosion.

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I twenty fifth that it's the starter, and just because I'm an asshat, and more the peculiar type I decided to see how long my starter would last w/ this condition. (I really wouldn't suggest this, but I'm dumb. :lol: ) My starter in the Cutty has been clicking just like you described for almost 2 years now :shock: It does it hot, cold, sitting overnight, just shut it off, it's just a very intermittent thing, and if you hit the key fast enough it'll start. I don't even consider it a problem anymore, but I WON'T change it until it goes out completely. (again, becuase I'm dumb, and quite curious.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just saw this.....don't be so quick to jump on the starter.


Other possibilities include the ignition switch and the park/neutral safety switch. My car does the same thing as described above, and the starter and battery are both brand new. However, if I shift from park to neutral the car will start every time. Not looking forward to ripping the column apart :cry:


- Justin

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I had this problem before and it was the starter solenoid which sits on top of the starter, not the starter... replaced it and worked fine. But that may have been cause all the contacts on the soleniod were gunked up from leaking oil... just a suggestion to look at first since its less $$

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