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Another A/C Question


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Ok, on another of my 1AM trips to AutoZone, I decided to finally get one of those R-12 to R-134A retrofit kits. Cost $40 or thereabouts, not too shabby.


Now, when I went to test to see if there was R-12 left, I figured there was not, since I'd never heard the compressor come on before. I put a washcloth over the low side schraeder valve and tapped it once with a screwdriver. Nothing came out, so I pushed it in, and nothing came out still.


So I put the adapter from the kit on, and put one can in the system. My A/C blows noticeably cooler, but not as cold as I'd like. Would it hurt to put another can in, do you think? These cans are 15 oz. cans (12oz. of 134a refrigerant, 3 oz. of PAG oil, and O-ring conditioner). Should my system be complete, or could I do another can and be alright?

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Don't overcharge it. You can get a charge level indicator at autoparts store. I think you can also get it at walmart. You just plug this just like when you are charging but the end of the hose is a gauge charge indicator.


If the level indicates that it is still not full then charge it again.

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The kit came with one. It shows about 3/4th full when plugged in.


Does the A/C get colder when the engine is running faster? I haven't tested it beyond a few minute ride near my house, just idle. I guess I'm jumping the gun a little.

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