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Cam Tool & o-ring leeking question?

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I checked my timing belt in my z-34 today and discovered it is very very thin. It needs replaced asap! I was a thread awhile ago about some guys making their own cam flat tool. I did a search but could not find it for some reason. Could you give me the instructions on how to make them? Does the Chilton manual give good instructions on how to replace the belt? I am pretty good with a wrench (have rebuilt seveal small block chevys, etc), but have never done a timing belt before.


Also, My distribter o-ring is starting to leek. Its only a couple of drops here and there, but I would like to fix it while i am doing the timing belt. Since I can't get it out with out pulling the heads, has anyone tried siloconing the hell out of it, one they got it poped up as far as it would go? thanks.


I have had success with using old Chevy distributor gaskets and hi-temp sealer on the o-ring leak. Cut a little notch in the drive head so you can get it up about 1/8 inch or so, fish a couple gaskets in there and soak the hell out of them with sealer. Spin the shaft so the sealer gets all around underneath. Tighten it all up and let it sit overnight so the sealer cures.


Did the wife's last year and it's been dry since.

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